Putin and Erdogan: the US Government Created ISIS


Both Putin and Erdogan have declared publicly that the Bush/Obama/Clinton/CIA regime is behind the arming and funding of ISIS.

It wouldn’t be the first time that this regime has used terrorism and mercenaries to destabilize regimes for profit.

The corporate media — owned by the very same regime — will no doubt tell people that this is “fake news,” and they will probably push to have it censored.

プーチンとエルドガンは共に、ブッシュ/オバマ/クリントン/ CIA体制がISISの資金調達と資金調達の背後にあることを公に宣言した。












WORLD NEWS | Tue Dec 27, 2016^---引用Googl翻訳--

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said he has evidence that U.S.-led coalition forces give support to terrorist groups including the Islamic State and Kurdish militant groups YPG and PYD, he said on Tuesday.


"They were accusing us of supporting Daesh (Islamic State)," he told a press conference in Ankara.


"Now they give support to terrorist groups including Daesh, YPG, PYD. It's very clear. We have confirmed evidence, with pictures, photos and videos," he said.


(Reporting by Ece Toksabay; Editing by Louise Ireland)










って 勘繰りたくなりますね。(笑)







堂々配信です。爆  笑ラブラブ

騙されてきた方 今 考えを方向転換されてください。




President Tayyip Erdoğan has vowed not to rest in the fight against all forms of terrorism. In a written statement, he said: 

TayyipErdoğan大統領は、あらゆる形態のテロとの戦いに怯まないことを誓いました。 書かれた声明で、彼は言いました:

As a nation, we will fight to the end against not just the armed attacks of terror groups and the forces behind them, but also against their economic, political and social attacks. 


They are trying to create chaos, demoralise our people, and destabilise our country with abominable attacks which target civilians ... We will retain our cool-headedness as a nation, standing more closely together, and we will never give ground to such dirty games.

彼らは混乱を生み、民衆を崩壊させ、民間人を標的とする激しい攻撃で国を不安定化しようとしている...我々はより緊密な国家としての冷静さを保つでしょう 。










最近のエルドアン氏の動向は ロシア側よりです。
















それに従っていれば トルコ空軍機がミサイルを撃てない


でも、 護衛が無ければ 爆撃しちゃえた


ロシアはトルコにではなく CIAに 警告してたのです。



トルコにも戦うべき相手は テロを支援してる奴らだと!!




②2016.7.15 トルコクーデター





①November 25, 2015^---Googl翻訳--

Moscow Warns CIA, Not Turkey, Downed Russian Fighter Plane Over Syria


By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

投稿者:Sorcha Faal、欧米の購読者に報告

A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) on the downing of an Aerospace Forces Sukhoi Su-24M bomber aircraft over Syria yesterday states that it was a deliberate act perpetrated by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who were at the time of this catastrophe “controlling/operating” a Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter jet on a supposed to be photographic reconnaissance mission.

 クレムリンの国防省が準備した新しい報告書によると、シリアの航空宇宙軍のSukhoi Su-24M爆撃機の墜落に関しては、米国中央情報局(CIA)によって犯された意図的な行為で 、トルコ空軍のF-16戦闘機を「偵察/操縦」して写真偵察任務を遂行していた際の大惨事であったと昨日述べている

 According to this report, under the terms and provisions outlined in the 20 October agreement, whose full name is “The Memorandum of Mutual Understanding between the Defense Ministries of Russia and the United States on preventing incidents and providing for aviation flights during operations in Syria”, Aerospace Forces conducting combat missions in the Levant War Zone over Syria were notified yesterday by US Air Force flight controllers operating out of Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base that a Turkish Air Force F-16 was operating near the Turkey-Syrian border.


US Air Force flight controllers in further clarifying the “purpose/mission” of this Turkish Air Force F-16 flight, this report continues, stated to their Aerospace Forces counterparts that it was conducting a routine photographic reconnaissance flight for intelligence purposes—which this reports notes is always conducted under the direction of the CIA who mission is monitoring arms shipments from Turkey to Islamic State rebels in Syria.


Sensing no threat from this CIA operated Turkish Air Force F-16, this report says, an Aerospace Forces Su-24M bomber returning to its Syrian airbase with its two Sukhoi Su-30 fighter plane escorts “allowed/authorized” them to accelerate towards their base due to low fuel issues and increased its flight altitude to 6,000 meters (19,685 feet) to prevent attacks from ground based fired missiles as per its procedures. 

CIAはトルコ空軍F-16を運用してるので脅威はないです。この報告書によると、航空宇宙軍Su-24M爆撃機は、2台のSukhoi Su-30戦闘機に護衛されシリア航空基地に戻る予定でした。Su-24M爆撃機に向かって陸上から発射されたミサイルからの攻撃を防止するために、低燃料問題により6,000メートル(19,685フィート)まで飛行高度を増加させていました。

Immediately upon the Su-24M reaching the altitude of 6,000 meters, this report grimly states, and without its Su-30 escorts able to protect it, the CIA directed Turkish Air Force F-16 immediately went to hypersonic speed and fired three air-to-air missiles at the Aerospace Forces “target” destroying this Federation bomber and causing its two pilots, Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Peshkov and Captain Konstantin Murahtin, to safely eject from their now destroyed plane.


After safely ejecting from their destroyed bomber plane, this report continues, Lieutenant Colonel Peshkov and Captain Murahtin, when nearing the ground, were then shot at by Islamic State terrorists who in doing so committed a grave war crime—and which killed Lieutenant Colonel Peshkov whose attackers celebrated his death.


Captain Murahtin, however, this report says, was able to be saved when the Su-30 escorts returned and provided covering fire to protect him—and who, also, provided air cover for the Aerospace Forces helicopters sent to rescue him.


Of the three Aerospace Forces helicopters sent to rescue Captain Murahtin however, MoD experts in this report say, one was destroyed by a US missile fired by Islamic State terrorists killing Naval Infantry Soldier (Marine) Alexandr Pozynich. 

しかし、この報告書のMoDの専門家は、海軍の歩兵兵士(海兵隊員)Alexandr Pozynichを殺害したイスラム国家テロリストは、発射された米国のミサイルによって破壊されたと述べている、とMurahtin大佐を救助するために送られた3機の航空宇宙軍ヘリコプターのうち

With MoD satellite data proving that the Su-24M bomber was about 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) in Syrian airspace when it was shot down, this report continues, Turkey then “absurdly” claimed that it had violated its airspace up to a depth of 2.19 kilometers (1.36 miles) for about 17 seconds and had been warned to change its heading 10 times—which would have been impossible as a normal plane-to-plane single “communication transfer” takes at least 45 seconds to occur.

この報告書は、MoDの衛星データから、Su-24M爆撃機がシリア空域で約1,000メートル(3,280フィート)で撃墜されたことが証明されており、トルコは2.19の深度まで空域を侵害していたと「不合理に」主張しているのです。 通常の飛行機間の単一の「通信転送」が発生するには約17秒間、キロメートル(1.36マイル)を飛行するので少なくとも45秒かかってしまう為 その「10回の見出し」はあり得ないので変更するように警告されていました。

Also, this report notes, with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan stating in 2012 that a “short-term border violation can never be a pretext for attack”, this disaster became even more bizarre when Turkey yesterday, in a letter to the UN Security Council, openly stated that it had shot down the Su-24M and even admitted it had ordered the attack on the rescue mission for the downed pilots.


Though Prime Minister Erdogan has yet to contact President Putin, this report says, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov did discuss this disaster with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu, who assured Russia that Turkey wants to preserve friendly ties with Moscow, and to which Minister Lavrov replied that the Federation was not planning a war against Turkey.


Based on the MoD analysis in this report though, Foreign Minister Lavrov further stated: “We have serious doubts that this act was unintentional. It looks very much like a preplanned provocation.”


MoD intelligence experts in this report further support Minister Lavrov by noting it was not a coincidence that a Turkish film crew captured this shootdown either as they were most likely tipped off to be at the right place at the right time—a fact undisputed by even American observers.


Critical to note too, this report says, this disaster occurred just days after Turkish officials warned Russia to “immediately end its operation” against these Islamic State terrorists—and which we, in our 23 November report, Putin Declares ISIS On “Brink Of Total Defeat”, Warns NATO War Has Been “Total Lie”, noted the MoD’s grave concerns by stating: “To if the United States led NATO will intervene to protect their Islamic State allies against total defeat and risk World War III with Russia and China, this report warns, is the greatest unanswered question now facing the Federation.”





With the CIA having now plotted with certain elements within Turkey to provoke a larger war, this report concludes, President Putin ordered this morning that the previous agreement with the United States is now suspended and that the much feared S-400 defense missile system will now be deployed to the Hmeymim airbase in Syria—whose missiles have a range of 250 kilometers (155 miles) [the Turkish border, at its closest, is less than 50 miles away], and when combined with the airspace defense provided by the Moskva naval cruiser, will now spell certain death for any other Turkish-CIA-NATO aircraft should they ever again attempt to target a Federation warplane. 




②2016.7.15 トルコクーデター

未確認情報ですが エルドアン氏のイスタンブール行の航空機への嫌がらせは

CIA のようです。


エルドアン氏は 慈悲はかけないと宣言してますから。






People stand and celebrate on an army tank after taking over a military position on the Bosphorus bridge in Istanbul on July 16

Erdogan said to have been target of assassination attempt during failed coupSpecial forces raided hotel where president was staying while on vacation in coastal resort, but he’d been warned by anti-putsch army official


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was the target of a possible assassination attempt during the failed military coup that unfolded over Friday night and Saturday, and in which over 290 people were killed.:

トルコ大統領Recep Tayyip Erdoganは金曜日の夜と土曜日に展開された失敗した290人以上が殺された軍事クーデターの間に予想された暗殺の標的でした。

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According to the Middle East Eye citing al-Jazeera Arabic and the Turkish daily Hurriyet on Sunday, a senior military figure tipped off Erdogan that pro-coup forces were moving in on his position while he was away on vacation in the coastal resort town of Marmaris.


Turkish First Army Commander Umit Dundar, according to the reports, called Erdogan an hour before the push to oust him began late Friday night to warn him of the plans to overthrow his rule and of an attempt to “kill or capture” him.


“You are our legitimate president,” Dundar told Erdogan, according to Hurriyet. “I am at your side, there is a huge coup and the situation is out of control in Ankara. Come to Istanbul and I will secure your access to the roads and accommodations there.”

「あなたは私たちの合法的な大統領です。」と、ダーダール氏はエルリガー氏に語った。 「私はあなたの側にいる。クーデターが多く、アンカラでは状況がコントロールできない。イスタンブールに来て、そこの道路や宿泊施設へのアクセスを確保します。

Pro-coup military troops had taken control of key areas in Istanbul including the Bosphorus Bridge.


Hurriyet reported that Turkish special forces backed by helicopters stormed the hotel where Erdogan was staying in Marmaris, but the president was already on his way to Istanbul.

Witnesses reported hearing explosions and overhead helicopter noise at the hotel on Friday night.

ハリエット氏によると、ヘリコプターに支えられたトルコの特殊部隊は、エルドアン氏がマルマリスに滞在してるので イスタンブールへ向かう途中だった。


According to Middle East Eye, Al-Jazeera’s Istanbul bureau chief Abdul Azim Mohammed, said three helicopters from the military’s special forces arrived at the hotel carrying some 40 soldiers with the intention of killing or capturing the president.


The presidential guard clashed with the forces, some of whom then fled, according to the report.


A Reuters report Saturday said that Erdogan’s plane was also “harassed” en route from Marmaris to Istanbul to quash the coup but that the two pro-coup pilots who had the plane in their sights did not fire.


“At least two F-16s harassed Erdogan’s plane while it was in the air and en route to Istanbul. They locked their radars on his plane and on two other F-16s protecting him,” a former Turkish military officer told Reuters.


According to the Daily Sabah, Prime Minister Binali Yildirim was also the target of an assassination or capture attempt but managed to escape.

サバ日報によると、Binali Yildirim首相も暗殺または捕獲の標的だったが、脱出することができた。

As the coup unfolded, Erdogan used his cell phone to appear on CNN Turk and successfully urged supporters to take to the streets to stop the attempt. A night of violence ensued in which at least 290 people were killed, over 1,000 wounded and thousands more were arrested.

クーデターが展開されたとき、エルドアン氏は自分の携帯電話をCNN Turkに出演させ、試合をやめるためにサポーターに路上に乗るよう促すことに成功しました。少なくとも290人が死亡し、1000人以上が負傷し、数千人が逮捕された暴力の夜が続きました。

Al-Jazeera also broadcast on its Arabic news channel screenshots from what it said were a series of WhatsApp messages that revealed the inner workings of the coup plotters and the key members, including military officers, judges, prosecutors and governors.


On Sunday, Turkish authorities pressed on with the ruthless crackdown Sagainst suspects in the failed coup, as Erdogan vowed to stamp out the “virus” of the putschists.


Erdogan also said Turkey could consider reinstating the death penalty following the attempted coup, despite concerns in the international community.


World leaders, including US President Barack Obama, have strongly condemned Friday’s attempted takeover by an army faction, but there is also alarm over the retaliatory purges, especially after pictures emerged showing the rough treatment of some suspects.


Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag said around 6,000 people had been detained in “clean-up operations” and warned that the number would rise.

They include senior army commanders, top judges, prosecutors and a military aide to Erdogan.

Bekir Bozdag司法長官は、約6,000人が「浄化作業」で拘留され、数が増加すると警告したと述べた。


A resurgent Erdogan raised the prospect of bringing back capital punishment, which was abolished in 2004, as the country sought to improve its chances of joining the EU.


“In democracies, decisions are made based on what the people say. I think our government will speak with the opposition and come to a decision,” he said, reacting to crowds in Istanbul calling for the death penalty.

「民主主義では、人々の言葉に基づいて決定が下されます。 私たちの政府は野党と話し合って決定に来るだろうと思う」とイスタンブールの群衆に反応して死刑を要求した。

“We cannot delay this anymore because in this country, those who launch a coup will have to pay the price for it,” he told supporters.


The number of people killed in the failed coup attempt climbed to more than 290, the foreign ministry said on Sunday.


“More than 100 putschists” were killed and at least “190 of our citizens”, the ministry said in a statement on Sunday. The government had earlier put the death toll from Friday night’s coup attempt at 265.

同省によると、「100人以上の泥棒」が殺され、少なくとも「190人の市民」が犠牲になった。 政府は26日の金曜日の夜のクーデターの試みから、早くに死者を出していた。

Clashes erupted at an air base in the central city of Konya between security forces and putschists trying to evade arrest, while at Istanbul’s second airport Sabiha Gokcen, police fired warning shots at rebel troops who later surrendered, a Turkish official told AFP.

トルコのAFP通信によると、イスラエルの二番目の空港Sabiha Gokcenは、反乱軍の警戒弾を発射したが、警察と逮捕者を奪取しようとしていたputschistsの間で、コニャ中央街の空軍基地で衝突した。

Turkish authorities have made clear they will show no mercy in the wake of the coup, which sparked fears of chaos in the strategic NATO country of 80 million people.


It was the biggest challenge to Erdogan’s rule in his 13 years as prime minister and president.


The group behind the putsch, which called itself the Council for Peace in the Homeland, said it was necessary to stop the increasingly authoritarian president from undermining Turkish democracy.


Critics at home and abroad had voiced mounting concern over the state of democracy and freedom of speech under Erdogan.

But the 62-year-old leader successfully mobilized supporters into the streets to face down the plotters.








すっかり良い人に  (笑)











Junko Alemayehu-Izumi



続きを読む: https://jp.sputniknews.com/middle_east/201612303201939/

2016年12月30日 22:22

「アレッポでは30秒毎に爆発が聞こえます。そう、常に。ここに来た外国人は、このような状況下で暮らす6年をまともな生活と呼ぶことは無理だとはっきりと認識します。」 オルティスさんは、闘いが起きている場所で西側メディアの記者を見たことがないと認めた。「アレッポ東部を囲むシリア戦争の6つの前線全てに私は訪れましたが、ロシア・トゥデイ(RT)以外は誰も見たことがありません。」


海外メディアはシリア人のイメージもまた歪曲している。「シリア人は平和な人々です。シリア人と知り合った時にまず起こることは、彼らの土地がこのような状態にあることに対しての彼らの謝罪です。彼らが唯一望むものは、平和です。」 先に英国の女性ジャーナリストが、アレッポの本当の情勢を語ったと伝えられた。


対「イスラム国」シリアにおけるロシア軍事作戦 (230)2015年12月30日 22:51




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