






♦96 Russians forced to leave US over diplomat expulsion – FM spokeswoman


- FMスポークスマン

The US’ decision to expel 35 Russian diplomats has affected 96 people, including the officials themselves and their families, the spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry said. Moscow refrained from responding in kind, to not ruin the New Year for American diplomats.

ロシア外交部のスポークスマンは、35人のロシア外交官を追放する米国の決定は、当局者とその家族を含む96人に影響を与えている、と語った。 モスクワは、アメリカの外交官のために新年を台無しにしないよう、現実的に対応することを控えました。

The Russians forced to leave the US includes some pre-school children, Maria Zakharova said.
米国を離れることを強いられたロシア人には、就学前の子供たちが含まれている、とMaria Zakharovaは言った。

One can only hope that this was the last thing that the current administration does to spoil bilateral relations – the last strange, unwise decision. It targeted, among other things, ordinary people and their simple human joys – things which unite people all around the world. Practically everyone celebrates the New Year, but this is what the Obama administration did,” she said.


The US declared 35 Russian diplomats accredited in the US persona non grata, giving them 72 hours to leave the country.


The foreign ministry spokesperson remarked that while some of the Russian diplomats had been working in the US for years, others arrived as recently as two months ago. This did not prevent Washington from expelling them for allegedly trying to interfere with the US election in 2015 and early 2016, which was the reason stated by the US.


The Kremlin decided to send a government plane to the US to evacuate the Russians. Some of them reportedly complained that buying plane tickets on such short notice was problematic.


Zakharova said Moscow hoped that the bad timing of the expulsion and all the troubles it caused to the Russian citizens was an oversight rather than intended malice on the part of the White House.


Russia refrained from its usual practice of responding to expulsions of its citizens by a foreign power with mirror expulsions of the respective country’s citizens from Russia.


“We took into serious consideration how our American colleagues and their families would feel. Especially their children, who are now preparing for the New Year and are on their Christmas holidays,” Zakharova explained. “They would have been cut off from their school programs and forced to pack their things and go back to their homeland in 72 hours. So we decided against it.”

「アメリカ人の同僚とその家族がどう感じるかを真剣に考えました。特に新年の準備をしており、クリスマス休暇を取っている子どもたちは、 "とZakharovaは説明した。 「彼らは学校のプログラムから切り離され、自分たちの物を梱包し、72時間後に故郷に帰ることを余儀なくされただろう。だから我々はそれに反対した」

Meanwhile the Russian envoy to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, called the US move “scandalous” and “cynical.”

“I believe it’s simply scandalous that they have decided to target our children. They know that those vacation houses they mention in their statements are for our children. It’s Christmas, a school break,” he said. “Blocking our access there just for the holidays is cynical, in my opinion. There are your family values!”

「私は、彼らが子供たちをターゲットにすることを決めたのは単に不幸だと信じています。 彼らは彼らの言葉で言及したバケーションハウスは子供のためのものだと知っています。 クリスマス、学校休憩だ」と彼は言った。 「私の意見では、休暇のためだけにアクセスを遮断するのは皮肉なことだ。 あなたの家族の価値があります!

Moscow said the move by the Obama administration was a last-ditch effort to provoke the Russian government, and that it will decide on the future of relations with the US based on how the administration of President-elect Donald Trump acts.



Russia will not expel anyone in response to US sanctions 



The Russian president has rejected a suggestion of the foreign ministry to expel 35 American diplomats in response to a similar move by the US. He said Obama’s act was designed to provoke a reaction, but Russia would not take the bait.

ロシアの大統領は、米国の同様の動きに対応して、35人の米国外交官を追放するという外務省の提案を拒否した。 彼は、オバマ氏の行為は反応を引き起こすように設計されているが、ロシアは餌を取らないと述べた。

We reserve the right to retaliate, but we will not sink to the level of this irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy. We will take further moves on restoring Russian-American relations based on the policies that the administration of President-elect Donald Trump adopts,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a statement published by the Kremlin website.

「我々は報復する権利を留保しているが、この無責任な「キッチン」外交のレベルに沈むことはない。 ロシアのプーチン大統領は、クレムリンのウェブサイトで発表された声明で、ロナルド・プーチン大統領は、ドナルド・トランプ大統領の政権が採択した政策に基づいて、ロシアとアメリカの関係を回復させる動きをさらに進めると述べた。

Putin said that, unlike the Obama administration, Russia will not target foreign diplomats and their families days before New Year’s celebrations.


We will not forbid families and children from spending the New Year’s holidays at the places they are used to. Moreover, I invite the children of all American diplomats with accreditation in Russia to New Year’s and Christmas festivities in the Kremlin,” the Russian president said.


Putin said he regretted that US President Barack Obama is ending his term “in such a way,” but that he extended his New Year’s congratulations to the outgoing US president and his family nevertheless.


“I congratulate President-elect Donald Trump and the entire American people!” he concluded.


The Kremlin said it will send a government plane to the US to evacuate the expelled diplomats and their family members. Earlier, there were reports that the diplomats were having problems buying tickets on such short notice, with airlines already booked by New Year’s travelers.



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