
by PleadingtheYiff, Reddit The_Donald:(トランプ掲示板)



Evidence-is-angela-merkel-intentionally-allowing-isis-to-operate-in-the-eu I believe I have uncovered evidence that Angela Merkel is intentionally allowing ISIS to operate in the EU



Angela Merkel and those within the EU and German government who are aligned with her are knowingly allowing ISIS operatives to infiltrate the EU, set up networks and stage attacks on European citizens.


The goal of allowing this to occur is to create a crisis which will artificially deepen the need for greater European integration into the EU, which is of course mostly controlled by


Germany and allows them to control Europe without firing a single shot (so far).

Once the crisis has been created, Merkel will use it as an excuse to use the newly formed EU Army to occupy European nations.


This army seems to currently be supplied by NATO and NATO officials who are in a position to discover this are showing up dead.


I. German Intelligence is knowingly neglecting to deal with ISIS operatives


In Wikileaks’ recent BND-NSA Inquiry Exhibit, there was a cache of files from the Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) or Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.

ウィキリークスの最近のBND-NSA調査報告書には、BAMF(BundesamtfürMigration undFlüchtlinge)または移民と難民連邦事務所からのファイルのキャッシュがありました。

Firstly, the language of the original German in this document is highly un-PC, showing just how little Eurocrats really care about racial sensitivity behind closed doors.


They prefer to use it as a foil to coerce others into submitting to their agendas. The document covers tips that BAMF gives to German intelligence agencies looking to recruit informants from among refugee populations:

彼らは、自分の議題を提出する際抑圧された人々を引き立て役として使用することを好みます。 この文書は、BAMFが難民集団の中から情報提供者を募集するドイツの諜報機関に与えるヒントを扱っています。


The significant portions of this document are as follows:


On page 14:


We’re looking for accomplices or candidates involved in terrorist activities that have not yet become perpetrators


They are specifically looking for Taliban defectors from Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan as well as civilians born in Afghanistan and Egypt as well as a few other Middle Eastern countries.


On pages 15-16 they list tiers of individuals they are looking to recruit from:


Tier 1: Males with the following personal features: Aged 18-45, single, lower-middle-class to poor background, lived in refugee camps for a while, poor occupational and societal prospects, sketchy CV, Muslim belief, doesn’t support UMMA (collective community of Islamic peoples).

1:以下の個人的特徴を持つ男性:18-45歳の単一の、中流から低級の貧困層、難民キャンプでしばらく暮らしていた、貧しい職業的および社会的見通し、スケッチのCV、イスラム教徒の信念は、 UMMA(イスラム諸国の共同体)。

Tier 2: Individuals with knowledge about suspected terrorist organizations


Tier 3: Individuals that resided in or have knowledge about Al-Azher University, Cairo or the El-Haramein Institute of Culture which is founded by Saudi Arabia and used to promote Wahabbism.


This is highly alarming, because it proves that German intelligence is aware of the fact that there are many individuals among the refugee population that have knowledge of terror organizations, are “defectors” from them or have been exposed to radical Islamic ideologies at certain educational institutions.

これは非常に驚くべきことです。なぜなら、ドイツの知性は、難民集団の中にテロ組織に関する知識を持っているか、脱北者であるか、ある教育機関で過激なイスラムのイデオロギーにさらされている人が多いということを認識しているのです 。

Why are they not simply arresting these people and preventing them from 1) committing attacks and 2) radicalizing even more males from the refugee population? 


This discovery was followed today with another which has not yet been widely discovered by the public: Moroccan government officials have stated that they tipped Germany off to the fact that Berlin truck attacker Anis Amri was planning to execute a terror event on German

モロッコ政府関係者は、ベルリンのトラック攻撃者のアニス・アムリ(Anis Amri)がドイツの土壌でテロ事件を起こす予定であることをドイツに説明したと述べているのです。




The article explains that Spanish and French authorities has successfully dismantled terror cells based on information passed to them by Moroccan intelligence. Why did Germany not act? It is because Angela Merkel has a vested interested in creating a crisis by allowing ISIS attacks to occur in the EU.

この記事では、スペインとフランスの当局が、モロッコの知性によって渡された情報に基づいて、テロ細胞を解体したことを説明しています。 ドイツはなぜ行動しなかったのですか? これは、アンジェラ・メルケルが、EUでISIS攻撃を行うことを可能にすることによって、危機を作り出すことに関心があるという理由があるからです。

This apparent policy of letting a wild dog like ISIS run rampant does come back to bite them occasionally however. An German intelligence official working for ISIS was recently arrested for helping plot an attack the headquarters of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, the Bundesverfassungsschutz (BfV):

ISISのような野生の犬に駆け込みをさせるこの明らかな方針は、時々しかしそれらをかむために戻ってくるでしょう。 ISISのために働いているドイツの情報当局者は、ドイツの国内情報機関であるBundesverfassungsschutz(BfV)の本部を攻撃するために最近逮捕されました



It is very strange that Germany would be allowing this kind of thing to happen. Unless of course, one views it from the perspective that they might want incidents to occur as a result of neglecting to crack down on known and potential extremists.

ドイツがこのようなことを起こさせるのは非常に奇妙です。 当然のことながら、既知の潜在的過激主義者を断ち切ることを無視した結果、インシデントが発生する可能性があるという観点から見ています。

II. Germany allows ISIS events to occur to justify occupying Europe with the EU Army

A. The EU Army

II。 ドイツはISISイベントを起こし、占領する欧州をEU軍と正当化する
A. EU陸軍

Merkel was already trying to form an EU Army before Brexit occurred and accelerated the need to create some kind of force that would allow them to militarily pressure countries into abandoning plans to leave as well. European Union allies of Merkel were lobbying for this force to exist even before Brexit. What people do not realize is that it has already been partially set up:

MerkelはBrexitが起こる前に既にEU軍隊を編成しようとしており、国が軍事的に国に強制的に離れる計画を放棄するようにする何らかの力を作り出す必要性を加速させていました。 Merkelの欧州連合同盟国はBrexitの前でさえこの力が存在するように働きかけていたのです。 人々はそれが既に部分的にセットアップされていることを認識していません:



Already EU technocrats are letting on to the public that the EU Army will be formed “much faster than people think”:




Just a few months ago, Jean Claude Juncker was requesting the establishment of a headquarters for the EU Army to operate from. An operations center is unnecessary if there is not already a military force to run out of it:

ちょうど数ヶ月前、Jean Claude Junckerは、EU陸軍の本部の設置を要請していました。 すでに兵力を使い果たしていない場合、運営センターは不要です。



B. NATO arms/vehicles are being used to covertly equip the EU Army

There has been quite a bit of media attention given to recent NATO efforts to posture itself militarily to “stand up to Russian aggression.” A lot of weaponry and heavily machinery has been moved into the EU and Eastern Europe/the V4 (Visegrad Group):

B. NATOの武器/車両は、EU軍隊を秘密裏に装備するために使用されている
NATOが軍事的に「ロシアの侵略に立ち向かう」姿勢をとっている最近のNATOの努力には、かなりのメディアの関心が寄せられている。多くの兵器や機械がEU、東ヨーロッパ、V4(Visegrad Group) :





Here is another example of German military assets being moved into Eastern Europe to “counter Russian aggression.” Notice how they mention Trump’s election as an incentive to form an EU Army? Merkel was hoping her friend Hillary Clinton would win power and collaborate to make this project easier:

ここでは、ドイツの軍事資産が東ヨーロッパに移って「ロシアの侵略に対抗」する例があります。彼らが、EU軍隊を形成するインセンティブとして、トランプの選挙についてどのように言及しているかに注目してください。 メルケルは彼女の友人、ヒラリークリントンがこのプロジェクトをより簡単にするために力をつけ協力することを望んでいた。



The Russia narrative is a cover story for the formation and equipping of the EU Army. NATO’s shipments of weapons and vehicles to Europe are not for the purpose of arming the alliance against Russia, but to give that gear to Merkel for her new EU force.

ロシアの物語は、EU軍隊の形成と装備のためのカバーストーリーです。 NATOの武器や車両のヨーロッパへの出荷は、ロシアとの同盟関係を武装させる目的ではなく、新しいEUの軍隊のためにメルケルにその武器を与えることを目的としている。


Most of this stuff is surplus American military gear, think for example about how many unused tanks we have sitting around due to supposed Congressional incompetence.


There is ample indication that NATO is indeed engaging in this covert supply operation with the EU. The current Secretary General of NATO is Jens Stoltenberg, who allegedly was bought the position by a $584 million bribe from Norway to the Clinton Foundation.


He is also alleged to be connected to the recent corruption scandal uncovered in part by the FBI. Here are some sources on that:

彼はまた、FBIによって部分的に明らかになった最近の汚職事件に関連しているとも言われている。 ここにいくつかの情報源があります:

EDIT: I felt it was important to clarify that these donations were not paid all at once but over a period of years. Jens Stoltenberg was PM from 2005 to 2013 which means that some of the money given came from the conservative party which replaced him. He was appointed as head of NATO after retiring as head of the Norwegian Labor Party.

編集:私は、これらの寄付がすべて一度ではなく、何年にもわたって支払われなかったことを明確にすることが重要であると感じました。 Jens Stoltenbergは2005年から2013年にかけてPMだった。これは、与えられたお金の一部が彼を置き換えた保守党から来たことを意味する。 ノルウェー労働党議長を辞任した後、NATO首席に任命された。







Given his ties to corruption and the Clintons, it is plausible that Stoltenberg is willing to collaborate with Angela Merkel, another ally of the Clintons. He is responsible for massively increasing NATO’s budget over the last few years:

腐敗とクリントンとの関係を考えれば、StoltenbergはClintonsの別の同盟国であるAngela Merkelと協力していくつもりです。 ここ数年、NATOの予算を大幅に増やす責任がある。



Most damning is the recent death of Yves Chandelon, the Head Auditor of NATO. He was found dead 140 kilometers from his work and 100 kilometers from his home in the Belgian city of Lens. Despite owning three registered weapons, the gun used to kill him was unregistered:

ほとんどの人を傷つけるのは、イヴ・シャンデロン(NATOのヘッド監査官)の最近の死である。 彼は、ベルギーの都市レンズで自らの仕事から140キロ、自宅から100キロも死んでいた。 3つの登録武器を所有していたにもかかわらず、彼を殺すのに使われた銃は未登録だった。



His death was ruled a “suicide” but his family refuses to believe that conclusion. He had told them that he had the feeling that he was being followed and had also received strange phone calls. His further revealed that he was a happy person and had made several plans for the new year. Not the profile of someone who kills themselves:

彼の死は "自殺"と判決されたが、彼の家族はその結論を信じることを拒んだ。 彼は、彼が自分に従っているという気持ちがあり、奇妙な電話を受けていると話していました。 彼はさらに彼が幸せな人であり、新年のためにいくつかの計画を立てたことを明らかにした。 自分自身を殺す人のプロフィールではないのです。



Why is his death significant? One of the jobs of an auditor is to make sure goods are actually delivered to their destination. Revenue cannot be recognized until service is performed. What did Chandelon find about weapons and vehicle deliveries that caused him to be murdered? Where would these lost shipments be going, if not to equip and supply another army? The EU Army?

彼の死はなぜ重要なのでしょうか?審査員の仕事の1つは、商品が実際に配送先に配送されていることを確認することです。サービスが実行されるまで、収益は認識されません。シャンデロンは、彼を殺した武器や車両の配達について何を見つけたのですか?これらの紛失した貨物は、他の軍隊を装備して供給しない場合、どこに行くのでしょうか? EU軍隊?

III. How ISIS provides Merkel with an excuse to occupy Europe with her new army

With an EU army formed, Merkel would only need to look for a good excuse to deploy it. The most likely cover story would be to diffuse some kind of “humanitarian crisis.” What exactly might that crisis look like? There could be a number of reasons, such as fighting “far right racism” against minorities for example.

III。 ISISがメルケルに新しい軍隊でヨーロッパを占領するための口実を与える方法

I personally believe that given the evidence I have uncovered about Germany’s complicity in allowing Islamic extremists to enter the EU, the evidence indicates that they are possibly hoping ISIS will stage a major terror incident in one or two locations in the EU, or perhaps across the entire Union.

私は個人的には、ISISがEU内の1〜2カ所に、あるいはおそらく ユニオン全体にイスラム過激派がEUに侵入することを許したドイツの共謀についての証拠を踏まえてます。

The militaries of multiple countries would inevitably engage in an immediate crackdown following such a severe event and this would most likely focus solely on migrant heavy areas and “no go zones” inhabited by the Muslim minorities in Europe. This would give the EU a perfect humanitarian excuse to justify violating the sovereignty of multiple European nations and centralize power with the EU government, which is mainly German controlled.

このような深刻な事態の後、複数の国の軍隊は必然的に即時の弾圧に巻き込まれ、これは移民の重い地域とヨーロッパのムスリムの少数民族が住む「移動ゾーン」にのみ重点を置く可能性が最も高いです。 これにより、EUは、複数の欧州諸国の主権を侵害することを正当化し、主にドイツが管理しているEU政府との権限を集中させることを正当化する完璧な人道的な言い分を与えるでしょう。

A conflict in the EU anywhere would be very bad for the United States. Look at all the locations of our military bases across Europe. We would be sucked into any kind of European conflict:





これは 戦争犯罪と考えるのが普通ですよね

目的は 👇金儲けは臓器売買かもです。(確定してはいません、調べ中です)


過激派組織が民衆に砲撃すると 救急車がきます。











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