





Junko Alemayehu-Izumi 

[Editor’s note: Turkey could not give two hoots about the Syrian people, the suffering of the Syrian people, especially those in Aleppo is largely the work of Turkey. Ever since the war started, it is Turkey that has been supplying the terrorist mercenary scum posing as ‘rebels’. Much of the supply effort has been covert, using ‘aid’ convoys to sneak in weapons, munitions and supplies under the guise of humanitarian efforts.Now that Aleppo has been freed, perhaps the Syrian Ministry of Justice will finally start releasing the names of the dozens of Saudi, Qatari and, in particular, Israeli officers they have captured. Sources say Israel has bought their people back, paying $3m a head, a reliable source of income for Syria. Maybe Hezbollah can start using the newer TOW missiles, built by Raytheon Corporation, to replace the thousands they received through President Reagan’s illegal Iran/Contra drug dealing efforts.
Current events in Aleppo, where the terrorist fighters have been allowed to evacuate the city following it’s fall to the Syrian forces and their allies explains why Turkey’s roads are jammed with white trucks purporting to be carrying aid. In reality this is the major resupply and rearming effort that we knew would take place once Aleppo fell – all those evacuated terrorists need to be resupplied and re-equipped in order to make them an effective fighting force once again.

Therefore these trucks, rather than being loaded with food, water, medical supplies and whatever else would be needed by innocent refugees are in fact, carrying munitions and weapons, in particular the heavy ons of advanced type – TOW anti-armour missiles and Stinger air-defence missiles.

Those trucks loaded by Google Idea Groups, working hand in hand with the White Helmets, as reported by Press TV’s murdered Serena Shimm, will be carrying poison gas of course, maybe the more exotic types such as VX, which is made in Tbilisi, Georgia at the Lugar Lab with USAID funding; an adjunct to their massive heroin processing project in Helmand.

This situation is difficult to counter, the Russian and Syrian airforces simply cannot bomb convoys purporting to be humanitarian aid, it would leave them open to all kinds of condemnations. Ian]

[編集者の注意: トルコ人はシリア人の苦悩を, シリア人の苦悩を与えることができませんでした. 特にアレッポの人々は特にトルコの仕事です. 戦争が始まって以来, テロリストのを供給しているトルコ人のクズどもが"反逆 者"としてのポーズを供給し 多くの供給量は秘密にされており, 武器, 軍需, 物資の中には, 人道的な努力をしている. アレッポが解放された今, シリアの司法省は, 多くのサウジアラビア人とカタール人の名前を公表し, 特にイスラエルの役人が捕らえられている. イスラエルは彼らの仲間を買収して, 3万ドルの金を払って, シリアには信頼できる収入源を持っている. 多分ヒズボラは, 新しい牽引ミサイルを使って, 万のを利用することができます. これは, レーガン大統領の違法なイラン, 麻薬の取引をしています.
アレッポでの現在のイベントは, シリア軍への撤退を許可されている. そして彼らの同盟国はシリア軍への撤退を許可されている. そして彼らはトルコの道路が白いトラックで渋滞を持っている 実際には, これは, アレッポが陥落したことを知っているのは, とrearmingの努力である. そして, テロリストが避難して, 再び有効な戦闘力を作るために必要なものである.
そのため, 食料や水, 医療用品を積んでいるものではなく, のを携行し, 特殊なのを携行し, 他に必要なものは, 武器や武器を携行し, 特殊なものを持っているものである. -ミサイルだ
これは, googleのアイディアを持ったトラックの中で, ホワイトヘルメットと手を使って, 白いヘルメットを手に持って手を使って, のようなエキゾチックな型があるかもしれません. おそらくトビリシで作られたのようなエキゾチックな はusaidの資金を持ったlugar研究室で, の大量のヘロイン処理プロジェクトに付属しています.
この状況は, ロシアとシリアのairforcesは, 人道的援助をするためには, 単に彼らをないようにすることができます. それは, すべての種類の種類の イアン



Turkish convoys loaded with TOW and MANPAD missiles waiting to equip Terrorists in Syria


Turkey in “full court press” while terrorist NGO’s load up with Raytheon weapons for al Qaeda and ISIS. Why doesn’t Trump know? Why is he silent on this and Israel’s role?


[Editor’s note: Turkey could not give two hoots about the Syrian people, the suffering of the Syrian people, especially those in Aleppo is largely the work of Turkey. Ever since the war started, it is Turkey that has been supplying the terrorist mercenary scum posing as ‘rebels’. Much of the supply effort has been covert, using ‘aid’ convoys to sneak in weapons, munitions and supplies under the guise of humanitarian efforts.Now that Aleppo has been freed, perhaps the Syrian Ministry of Justice will finally start releasing the names of the dozens of Saudi, Qatari and, in particular, Israeli officers they have captured.  Sources say Israel has bought their people back, paying $3m a head, a reliable source of income for Syria.  Maybe Hezbollah can start using the newer TOW missiles, built by Raytheon Corporation, to replace the thousands they received through President Reagan’s illegal Iran/Contra drug dealing efforts.

[編集者注:トルコはシリア人について2つの不愉快さを与えることはできませんでした。シリア人の苦しみ、特にアレッポの人々はトルコの仕事です。 戦争が始まって以来、トルコはテロリストを「反政府勢力」としています。 供給努力の大部分は、人道的努力の姿勢の下で、武器、軍需品、消耗品を盗み出すための「援助」機を使って秘密裏に行われました。今、アレッポは解放されました。おそらく、シリアのMinistry of Justiceは、 数十人のサウジ、カタール、特にイスラエルの将校が捕獲した。 情報源によると、イスラエルは人民元を買い戻し、頭を3百万ドル、シリアの信頼できる収入源としている。 おそらく、レーガン大統領が違法なイラン/コントラの薬を扱う努力を通じて受け取った何千人もの人々を置き換えるために、レイセオン社が建設した新しいTOWミサイルを使用することができるかもしれない。

Current events in Aleppo, where the terrorist fighters have been allowed to evacuate the city following it’s fall to the Syrian forces and their allies explains why Turkey’s roads are jammed with white trucks purporting to be carrying aid. In reality this is the major resupply and rearming effort that we knew would take place once Aleppo fell – all those evacuated terrorists need to be resupplied and re-equipped in order to make them an effective fighting force once again.


Therefore these trucks, rather than being loaded with food, water, medical supplies and whatever else would be needed by innocent refugees are in fact, carrying munitions and weapons, in particular the heavy ons of advanced type – TOW anti-armour missiles and Stinger air-defence missiles.


Those trucks loaded by Google Idea Groups, working hand in hand with the White Helmets, as reported by Press TV’s murdered Serena Shimm, will be carrying poison gas of course, maybe the more exotic types such as VX,  which is made in Tbilisi, Georgia at the Lugar Lab with USAID funding; an adjunct to their massive heroin processing project in Helmand.

This situation is difficult to counter, the Russian and Syrian airforces simply cannot bomb convoys purporting to be humanitarian aid, it would leave them open to all kinds of condemnations. Ian]

プレス・テレビの殺害されたセレナ・シム氏が報告したように、ホワイト・ヘルメットと協力してGoogle Idea Groupsにロードされたトラックには、毒ガス、もちろんジョージア州トビリシで作られたVXなどのエキゾチックなタイプが搭載されているLugar LabでUSAIDの資金提供を受けています。 Helmandの大規模なヘロイン処理プロジェクトの補助役を務める。


World Bulletin
Turkish roads full of aid convoys for Syria

A Turkish aid campaign to support civilians in Aleppo gathered pace on Friday, with hundreds more vehicles ferrying humanitarian supplies to the Syrian border.

The Open Road to Aleppo campaign saw around 100 vehicles organized by Turkey’s Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) join a convoy in the central Anatolian province of Kayseri.

AleppoへのOpen Roadのキャンペーンは、トルコ人道救援基金(IHH)が主催する約100台の車両が、アナトリア中央カイセリ県の護送隊に加わったのを見た。

Departing Friday, the convoy will go to the Turkish border province of Hatay, close to the devastated Syrian city of Aleppo.


A first group of vehicles started its journey on Dec. 14, carrying humanitarian aid to Turkey’s Cilvegozu Border Gate in Hatay.

Musa Yilmaz, IHH Kayseri board member, said he wanted to show his support for people in Aleppo and react to the “torture and persecution” of civilians there.

第1グループの車両が12月14日に出発し、トルコのHatilay Cilvegozu Border Gateへの人道援助を行った。

“Muslims are oppressed, persecuted and tortured in the four corners of the world, including countries like Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

“We will organize a rally [in Hatay] to support Syria [and] Aleppo and explain that we stand with them,” he added.


From Turkey’s central province of Konya, around 150 vehicles plus 60 trucks were headed to Hatay, said local IHH figure Hasan Huseyin Uysal.


“Our aid campaign is still ongoing. We will try to organize aid until the persecution is over,” Uysal said.

「我々の援助キャンペーンはまだ進行中です。 私たちは、迫害が終わるまで援助を組織しようとします。

Meanwhile, another 12-truck convoy from Turkey’s western province of Afyonkarahisar is also headed to Hatay. Another five-truck convoy carrying 150 tons of foodstuffs is on the road to the Cilvegozu Border Gate from Istanbul’s Kucukcekmece district.

Kucukcekmece’s local religious department organized the aid drive.

一方、トルコの西アフリカ・カザフスタンからの12トラックの護送艦もまたハタイに向かう。イスタンブールのKucukcekmece地区からのCilvegozu Border Gateへの道には、150トンの食糧を運ぶ別の5トラックのコンボイがあります。

In Turkey’s southern province of Kilis, various aid organizations — including the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency and Turkey’s Red Crescent — sent humanitarian supplies to Syria via the Oncupinar Border Gate.

トルコ南部のKilis州では、災害・緊急事態管理大統領とトルコの赤い三日月を含むさまざまな援助機関がOncupinar Border Gate経由でシリアに人道的支援を行った。

The aid included food, clothing, coal, blankets, shoes and baby food.

At least 7,500 civilians have so far left eastern Aleppo for safe areas in Idlib, according to Syrian opposition group officials.


Since mid-November, more than 775 civilians have been killed and 2,500 injured in regime attacks on opposition-held parts of Aleppo, according to local civil defense officials.

Syria has been locked in a devastating civil war since early 2011, when the Bashar al-Assad regime cracked down on pro-democracy protests — which erupted as part of the “Arab Spring” uprisings — with unexpected ferocity.


Since then, hundreds of thousands of people are believed to have been killed and millions more displaced by the conflict.




However, their carefully plotted, CIA-‘Arab-Spring’-attached “civil war” did not come out as planned, yet, with the splendid Syrian people taking back their homeland from the mercenaries, with the Syrian Arab Army heroically fighting for the liberation of the sacred Syrian soil from the stinking pest of terrorism.

In October, the German FM Frank-Walter Steinmeier, a true expert in regime-change (he managed the violent and unlawful ‘transition’ from the elected cleptocrat Yanukovich to a bunch of hysterical nazi cleptocrats in Kiev, 2014) donated EURO 7 million to the “White Helmets”, a known Al-Qaeda franchise, and on Nov. 30th he and his French colleague Jean-Marc Ayrault celebrated the White Helmets on occasion of a common French – German price the two politicians gave to the Soros-funded terrorist gang.

And whilst the German, French, British, US-American politicians blame Russia and Syria for crimes which reach the top notes of brutality, the very same politicians do arm the dreadful disgrace of mankind, the house of Saud, supporting the Saudi genocidal war on the people of Yemen. And whilst these Western politicians shed crocodile tears for the never-seen but mightily imagined ‘victims’ of the “brutal dictator” Assad, they keep silent about the horrific deeds of their very own proxies of Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria and Iraq, or, even more satanic, blame their crimes on Assad, stating it was Assad who created ISIS (like the infamous German yellowpress-outlet “BILD” – “Picture”, the German version of a tale book for analphabets, made up). And whilst all this disgraceful bunch of criminal supporters of terrorism and their non worthy mouthpieces in the mainstream media whine about the poor people of Aleppo being slaughtered by Assad, the very same bunch of criminal politicians and lying propagandists do keep silent about the (ab-)use of 1.5 tons [yes: TONS!!] of Depleted Uranium (DU) by the USA in Syria, although they know that the highly radioactive DU, once exposed, does poison the air, water and soil for billions of years and lead to most severe damages to the genetic code of humans and animals and, by that, cause severe birth defects for millions of people exposed to DU. (Germany even abstained a UN-resolution on the use of DU which aimed to prevent the rest of the world from also becoming conatminated by the terrorist state #1.)

Also in October, the loser himself, French president Francois Hollande (who will be replaced by another puppet of the cabal in the 2017 rigged presidential selections) came out of his bunker and called for the establishment of a tribunal on Syria – which, of course, shall neither judge on the horrific crimes committed by the European nations, nor on the genocide performed by the Western proxies, but on the imagined crimes by “the regime” of (the still legitimate) president Assad. I guess we all can imagine the character and setting of such a tribunal. Of course, the terroristic criminal gang ruling Germany applauded the plan and donated some millions of German taxpayers money for this illegitimate project.

Last to mention the ongoing verbal aggression of the terrorist #1, the USA, against Syria, performed by the speakers of the White House, the State Department and the US-representative to the UN: Their lies are legend, their evidence is none, their threats are vile, their infamy is horrific, their stupidity and arrogance are endless.

And finally – didn’t we expect that? – the last UNSC-meeting on Syria on Nov. 30th saw all these disgraceful criminals, these loathsome thugs, this scum of the universe – a.k.a. the Western leaders – assemble in New York to shout at Bashar al-Jaafari, the lion of diplomacy, the true decent defender of International Law and Human Rights, and to urge for another “ceasefire”. Of course, these bastards only care for human rights, yes? Hence, they still keep the crippling sanctions against the Syrian people, hence they still arm, train, guide and support their mercenaries of Al-Qaeda and ISIS, hence they bomb the Syrian Arab Army positions, hence they go on destroying the state infrastucture of Syria, hence they do not deliver any humanitarian aid to the suffering civilians, but tons of weapons to the terrorists.

What we can gather from all these media campaigns, these hillarious lies, this pile of rubbish, is the very frugal fact:

The white-collar-terrorists in Washington, Paris, London and Berlin realize they have lost. They do acknowledge the sheer fact that, not only by the great help from Russia, Iran and the enormeous sacrifice by Hezbollah, the Syrian Arab Army has regained the capability to win this war.
The Syrian Arab Army is on its way to victory, the terrorists are on the run. The USA, UK, France, Germany and the aligned terrroists Erdogan and al-Saud do know: the game is about to be finished – not to their profit. Therefore, they aim to pressure Russia and Syria to make concessions.

But which concessions can a people and nation make



また、ドイツ、フランス、英国、アメリカ系の政治家は、ロシアとシリアを残虐行為の最高犯罪罪で非難しているが、同じ政治家は、サウドの家である人類の恐ろしい恥を立て、サウジの大量殺戮戦争を支援している。イエメンの人々。これらの西側政治家は、「残酷な独裁者」アサドの決して見られないが強く想像された「犠牲者」のためにワニの涙を流す一方で、シリアとイラクにおけるアルカイダとISISの独占的な代弁者の恐ろしい行為、アサドに自分の犯罪を責め、ISISを作ったのはアサド(悪名高いドイツの黄色いコンセント「BILD」 - 「絵」、ドイツ語バージョンのアナルファベットを作ったもの)であると述べている。そして、アレッポの貧しい人々がアサドによって虐殺されていることについて、主流メディアの悲劇的なテロ行為の犠牲者たちとその非合法的な兵士たちは、犯罪政治家と嘘をついた宣伝者の大群は、 )放射能DUが一度暴露されると、何十億年もの間空気、水および土壌に毒を与えてリードしていることを知っているが、シリアの米国では、枯渇ウラン(DU)の1.5トン(例:TONS !!)ヒトや動物の遺伝暗号に最も深刻な被害を及ぼし、それによって、DUに曝された何百万人もの人々の重度の先天性欠損を引き起こす。 (ドイツは、世界の他国がテロ国家#1によっても会合するのを防ぐことを目的としたDUの使用に関する国連決議を棄却した)。

また、10月には、フランスのフランソワ・オランデ(Francois Hollande)大統領(2017年の大統領選の大統領選の選挙で別の人形で置き換えられる)がバンカーから出て、シリアの裁判所の設立を呼びかけた。ヨーロッパ諸国の恐ろしい犯罪や西洋の代理人による大虐殺ではなく、(正当な正当な)アサド大統領の「体制」による想像上の犯罪についても判断してはならない。私たちは皆、そのような裁判所の性格や性格を想像することができます。もちろん、ドイツを支配するテロ犯罪組織はこの計画に拍手を送って、この違法なプロジェクトのために数百万のドイツの納税者にお金を贈りました。


最後に、私たちはそれを期待していませんでしたか? - 11月30日のシリアでの最後のUNSC会合では、これらの恥ずべき犯罪者、これらの凶悪な凶悪犯、この宇宙のスカム、つまり西側の指導者たちが、ニューヨークで外交のライオンであるバシャール・アル・ジャファリを叫び、国際法と人権の本当のまともな擁護者であり、別の「停戦」を促すよう求めている。もちろん、これらの奴隷は人権を守るだけですよね?したがって、彼らは依然としてシリア人に対する惨めな制裁を維持しているので、彼らは依然としてアルカーイダとISISの傭兵を武装、訓練、指揮し、支援しているため、シリアのアラブ軍の位置を爆撃し、シリア、したがって、彼らは苦しんでいる市民に人道的な援助を提供するのではなく、テロリストに大量の武器を提供する。






最後まで読んでくれてありがとう(*^-^*) ポチッとよろしく


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