
The attack on a UN humanitarian aid convoy near the Syrian city of Aleppo last month, which Washington has blamed on Russia, was actually carried out by one of the terrorist groups present in the area, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.


It was one of the terrorist groups. And we know that, say, the Americans know it too, but prefer to take a different position, to falsely accuse Russia. This is not helping,” Putin said at an economic forum in Moscow.

The aid convoy was attacked on the night of September 20. The International Committee of the Red Cross reported 20 civilians killed and 18 vehicles destroyed.

READ MORE: ‘It’s different’: US justifies Saudi ‘self-defense’ in Yemen, slams Russia’s actions in Syria

The Pentagon alleged that the convoy was destroyed from the air and that Russian warplanes were present in the area, concluding that it was a Russian strike that was responsible.

Russia denied the accusation and said a US drone was monitoring the convoy, so Washington should know the truth about the attack.

「それはテロリスト集団の1つだった。 そして、我々は、アメリカ人もそれを知っているが、ロシアを誤って非難するために、別の立場を取ることを好むことを知っている。 これは助けにはならない」とプーチン大統領はモスクワの経済フォーラムで述べた。





Putin also commented on the disagreement at the UN Security Council that eventually led to the cancellation of his visit to France. Paris indicated that it wouldn’t be comfortable hosting the Russian leader after Moscow blocked a resolution it had submitted.

プーチン大統領はまた、国連安全保障理事会での見解の相違について、最終的にフランス訪問のキャンセルにつながったとコメントした。 パリは、モスクワが提出した決議を阻止した後、ロシアの指導者を迎えるのが快適ではないと述べた。


It’s not our partners who should take offense over us vetoing the French resolution. I’d say we are the offended party here,” Putin said.


He said French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault had raised the idea of the resolution when he visited Moscow last week. Ayrault was told the draft pinned too much blame for the Aleppo violence on the Syrian government, but that if France made some amendments, the document could still pass.

However, as Ayrault visited Washington on the eve of the UNSC meeting, no changes were made to the draft and France also "accused Russia of all the deadly sins," Putin said.

"Knowing our position, and not discussing it with us, they didn't chuck in the resolution so it would pass, but [did it] to get the veto. What for? To exacerbate the situation and to whip up anti-Russian hysteria in media under their control, and to deceive their own citizens," he added.


The situation in Syria will be discussed on Saturday in Lausanne, Switzerland, where top diplomats from the US, Russia, Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are to gather for a meeting.


彼は先週、モスクワを訪問したときに、フランス外相のジャン・マルク・アライュルト氏が決議案を提起したと述べた。 Ayraultは、このドラフトがシリア政府に対するアレッポの暴力に対してあまりにも多くの責任を負っていると言いましたが、もしフランスがいくつかの修正を加えれば、文書はまだ通り過ぎる可能性があります。




Putin: We know who destroyed aid convoy in Aleppo, Syria



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