

BREAKING: At Least 14 US Coalition Military Officers Captured by Syrian Forces in East Aleppo Bunker

Syrian Army soldier holds up Al Nusra Front (al Qaeda in Syria) flag in the Umayyed Mosque, Old City, after government troop liberated terrorist-occupied East Aleppo this week (Image: Vanessa Beeley for 21st Century Wire)

Fares Shehabi MP, a prominent Syrian Parliamentarian and head of Aleppo’s Chamber of Commerce published the names of the Coalition officers on his Facebook page on the 15th December (emphasis added):

Mutaz Kanoğlu – Turkey
David Scott Winer – USA
David Shlomo Aram – Israel



運賃シリアの著名な議員であり、アレッポの商工会議所の長であるShehabi MPは、12月15日にFacebookのページにCoalition officersの名前を掲載しました。

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Mutaz Kanoğlu – Turkey

David Scott Winer – USA

David Shlomo Aram – Israel

Muhamad Tamimi – Qatar

Muhamad Ahmad Assabian – Saudi

Abd-el-Menham Fahd al Harij – Saudi

Islam Salam Ezzahran Al Hajlan – Saudi

Ahmed Ben Naoufel Al Darij – Saudi

Muhamad Hassan Al Sabihi – Saudi

Hamad Fahad Al Dousri – Saudi

Amjad Qassem Al Tiraoui – Jordan

Qassem Saad Al Shamry – Saudi

Ayman Qassem Al Thahalbi – Saudi

Mohamed Ech-Chafihi El Idrissi – Moroccan

MutazKanoğlu - トルコ

David Scott Winer - アメリカ

David Shlomo Aram - イスラエル

ムハマド・タミミ - カタール

ムハマド・アーマド・アサビアン - サウジアラビア

アブドル・メンハム・ファハド・アル・ハリエ - サウジアラビア

Islam Salam Ezzahran Al Hajlan - サウジアラビア

Ahmed Ben Naoufel Al Darij - サウジアラビア

ムハマド・ハッサン・アル・サビヒ - サウジアラビア

ハマド・ファハド・アル・ドスリ - サウジアラビア

Amjad Qassem Al Tiraoui - ヨルダン

Qassem Saad Al Shamry - サウジアラビア

アイマン・カッセム・アル・タハルビ - サウジアラビア

モハメド・エチャチャフィ・エル・イドリシ - モロッコ


Listen to Fares Shehabi’s interview on the Sunday Wire radio show: ‘Liberation Aleppo

In addition to, the other original report was provided by Damascus-based Syrian journalist Said Hilal Alcharifi.

According to Alcharifi, captured “NATO” officers were from a number of member states including the US, France, Germany and Turkey, as well as Israel. Here is his statement (translated from French):


運賃シリアの著名な議員であり、アレッポの商工会議所の長であるShehabi MPは、12月15日にFacebookのページにCoalition officersの名前を掲載しました。


Although these initial reports describe the individuals in question as “NATO” officers, it’s unlikely they would have been carrying NATO colors on a covert operation – and might be more accurately labeled as US Coalition officers. Note that early reports suggest that these are not standard ‘street rebel’ or jihadi terrorists but actual Coalition military personnel and field commanders.

21WIRE have also received unconfirmed reports yesterday that militants had fired a missile intoRamousa area and then tried, unsuccessfully, to get cars out of East Aleppo. It’s possible this incident could be related to today reports of captured western operatives.

This report from the Syrian Arab News Agency (emphasis added):

“The agreement on evacuating militants and weapons from the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo city has been suspended after terrorist groups breached it, special sources told SANA correspondent in Aleppo.

The sources said that the suspension of the agreement will remain in place until obtaining guarantees that oblige the terrorist groups to abide by all the agreement’s provisions, stressing on the Syrian side’s full adherence to the agreement and its keenness to end the bloodshed and restore security and stability to the entire city of Aleppo.”

情報のおかげでシリア当局はイースト・アレッポの地下に高級西部/ NATO役員の本部を発見し、それらを生き延びた。 シリアのジャーナリストにはすでにいくつかの名前が付けられています。 国籍は米国、フランス、英国、ドイツ、イスラエル、トルコ、サウジアラビア、モロッコ、カタールなどです。国籍や階級に照らして、シリア政府は非常に重要なキャッチを持っており、 それを破壊しようとしている国々との交渉」と述べた。

Earlier, SANA reporter said that the terrorist groups have breached the agreement as they smuggled heavy weapons, including TOW missiles, heavy machineguns and kidnapped people via the buses and cars transporting terrorists and their families towards the southwestern countryside of Aleppo city.

The reporter added that the terrorist groups fired shells and sniper bullets on the buses and ambulances at al-Ramousseh crossing, noting that the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) which are supervising the evacuation process had to withdraw all buses and cars from the crossing.

Over the past 24 hours, some 8079 terrorists and members of their families were evacuated on ten batches via busses and ambulances from the neighborhoods of Salah-Eddin, al-Ansari, al-Mashhad and al-Zibdiyeh to the southwest countryside of Aleppo city”

記者は、テロリスト団が、シベリア・アラブ・レッド・クレセント(SARC)と国際赤十字委員会(ICRC)が避難プロセスを監督していることを踏まえ、アル・ラムセー交差点のバスや救急車に砲弾や狙撃弾を発射した 交差点からすべてのバスと車を引き抜かなければならなかった。

If true, then this latest news would also mean that both the Syrian and Russian governments would have additional leverage going forward in any bilateral negotiations with the US-led Coalition.


If, however, this story is kept under wraps by NATO member governments and summarily blacked out by the US and European media outlets, then it might indicate that a deal has been struck, albeit behind the scenes, for the return of captured NATO operatives in exchange for other concessions.


If today’s report from East Aleppo is accurate, this might also help explain the hysterical behavior by the US State Department and western UN officials who have been demanding “an immediate ceasefire” – despite the fact that 99% of East Aleppo has already been liberated by Syrian government forces.


The western establishment hysterical reactions to Al Nusra’s defeat in Aleppo have included wild claims that the Syrian Army had ‘unleashed death squads,’ on its own residents in East Aleppo and were openly ‘executing women and children in the street,’ and ‘burning children in the street,’ as well what appear to be more fictional reports circulated in US media mainly by Michael Weiss of The Daily Beast via CNN, claiming that Syrian Army was committing “mass rape” against residents of East Aleppo. His article entitled, Women in Aleppo Choose Suicide Over Rape, Rebels Report, made a number of outlandish claims including:アレッポでのアル・ヌスラの敗北に対する西側のヒステリックな反応には、シリア軍がイースト・アレッポの自らの住民に「死者を釈放した」という野生の主張が含まれており、公然と「路上で女性と子供を執行し」、シリア軍がイースト・アレッポの住人に対して「大量暴行」を行っていたと主張し、CNN経由でThe Daily Beastのマイケル・ヴァイスが主に米国のメディアで回覧された架空の報道であるように見える。 「レイプの自殺を選ぶ、反政府報告」のタイトルを付けた彼の記事は、

“Activists and rebels in the besieged city say mass executions have begun and children are burned alive as Assad’s Iranian- and Russian-backed forces move in.”


Not surprisingly, aside from unnamed “UN sources”, Weiss claims to have got his information from none other than the discredited US and UK-financed pseudo ‘NGO’ known as the White Helmets.

驚くことではないが、名前のない "国連の情報源"を除いて、Weissは、ホワイトヘルメットとして知られる偽造された米国と英国の資金提供を受けた偽のNGO以外からの情報を得ていると主張している。

Back in September, numerous reports suggested that a western command center located behind terrorist-held lines had been targeted and destroyed by a Russian missile strike. Prof Michel Chossudovsky wrote:


9月には、テロリストが保有するラインの後ろに位置する西側の司令部が、ロシアのミサイル攻撃によって標的とされ、破壊されたとの数多くの報告がありました。 Michel Chossudovsky教授は次のように書いています。

The US and its allies  had  established a Field Operations Room in the Aleppo region integrated by intelligence personnel. Until it was targeted by a Russian missile attack on September 20,  this “semi-secret” facility was operated by US, British, Israeli, Turkish, Saudi and Qatari intelligence personnel.”  

「米国とその同盟国は、情報担当者によって統合されたアレッポ地方のフィールド・オペレーション・ルームを設立した。 9月20日のロシアのミサイル攻撃の標的になるまで、この半秘密の施設は米国、英国、イスラエル、トルコ、サウジアラビア、カタールの情報担当者によって運営されていました。

This report was neither admitted, nor was it denied by US Coalition sources at the time. However, one mainstream Israeli source, The Times of Israel, did report the incident.


For anyone who has been paying close attention to the Syrian Conflict, seeing NATO special forces or “contractors” working with ‘rebel’ or terrorist fighters inside of Syria is nothing unusual. Numerous reports have been filed of British soldiers assigned to fighting groups to help with training, strategy and logistics. In June 2016, The Telegraph admitted that British special forces were helping one rebel group, “… with logistics, like building defences to make the bunkers safe,” said one ‘rebel’ fighter.

シリア紛争に細心の注意を払っている人のために、NATOの特殊部隊やシリア内の「反政府勢力」やテロ戦闘機と協力して作業する「請負業者」を見ることは珍しいことではない。訓練、戦略、物流を支援するために、戦闘集団に割り当てられた英国の兵士に関する多くの報告が提出されている。 2016年6月に、テレグラフは英国の特殊部隊が反乱軍を支援していたことを認めました。「バンカーを安全にするために防衛を構築するような、物流に...」反乱軍の戦闘員が言いました。

Other reports, including the LA Times which detailed CIA operations used to arm militants, including Al Nusra Front (al Qaeda in Syria) who were the terrorist force in charge in East Aleppo. Other revelations of US covert involvement include The New York Times,and also information on US (NATO by another name only) covert operations provided to the Wall Street Journal.


Throughout fighting in the Donbass in eastern Ukraine, during the period of May 2014 to the present, numerous incidents have been reported where NATO military soldiers and operatives have been both spotted, and captured by rebel forces, and in most cases these reports have been muted, more than likely because of ‘horse trading’ taking place as an extension of wider diplomacy.

Contributors to this report were Patrick Henningsen and Vanessa Beeley.

このレポートの貢献者はPatrick HenningsenとVanessa Beeleyでした。



Welcome to Idlib: America’s Model Syrian City

Buses arrive in eastern Aleppo to resume evacuations: Syrian media



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