ノーベル平和賞選考委員会への働きかけのお願い | 岐路に立つ日本を考える









宛先 : postmaster@nobel.no

件名 : I'm strongly against giving the Nobel Peace Prize to the Japanese for the Article 9

Dear The Norweigian Nobel Peace Committee

I was really surprised to see the news that the Article 9 of the constitution of Japan became a major candidate for The Nobel Peace Prize this year. As a Japanese, I cannot allow it.

Probably you all know that a lot of Japanese had been kidnapped by North Korea. The number is not clear yet, but Japanese government estimates several hundred. Some North Korea operatives were witnessed to kidnapping some Japanese, but it couldn’t be seen as exercise of armed might by North Korea towards Japan. So the Japan Self-Defense Forces couldn’t do anything to help our fellow beings. North Korea knew Japan cannot use our Self-Defense Forces because of the Article 9, so they ware able to kidnap our people very easily.

As you know, Japan’s government has been trying very hard to get them back but has faced a lot of difficulties. Most of the kidnapped Japanese are said to have been used as teachers of Japanese in turning out spies, and to know a lot of North Korean national secrets. They don’t have any motivation to return our people. Our government has talked with the North Korea many times, but the talk hasn’t been progressed. We cannot expect enough reason in negotiating with North Korea under the Article 9. It is also said that we are asked to pay several trillion yen to settle the problem. Why do we have to pay to get back our kidnapped fellows? Confronting these realities, we wish we didn’t have the Article 9. Of course I don’t think it is preferable to negotiate behind military forces, but there are some occasions where it is needed.

Under these circumstances, more and more Japanese have been against the Article 9. Probably the number is now bigger than that of those who are for it. For these reasons it cannot be allowed for you to decide to award the Nobel Peace prize to Japanese people for the Article 9. I hope you will not increase our distress.


Yutaka Asaka
