Start making calls to your prospects one by one.I got a confession to make!The little communication device usedto scare me to death!I would pick ip up and dial a prospect and when the phone ringsmy heart would start pounding wishing that the recipient does,tpick the phone up.Limit your time to two minutes and stick to your script.Are you ready? Lets take the ride!First and foremost acknowledge the fact that the phone doesnot cause fear we talk on it everyday.You will be astounded by the feelings and the power of two minutes exercise.You are now building little victories on gradual basis.


The fear that crippled you will start to subside generating you a momentum that will seem foreign to you.The potential negative results and perceived failure from the call creates the uncomfortable feelings that leads to avoidance.You can order a list of telephone leads regardless of the quality..You will eliminate the nerves and replaceit with confidence.If the recipientdoes not pick up the phone leave a message.


They will sense it in your voice and reject youroffer.When the phone is picked, guess what? My home business was rationalised and crippled by the fear ofphone.Despite the fact China eco friendly cellulose sponges wholesale for sale that English is not my first language,I have a commanding personality over the phone.You will not understand how easy it will be to pick up a phoneand call a prospect.Some persons have become millionaires due to usingthe phone proficiently.You are targeting fear with a laser beam and meltingit away.Here is the simple exercise:List down as many telephone contacts as possible.Do not focus on theresult concentrate on making calls.


Your contactsmust comprise of warm list people that you know and cold leads.Now this is the key! Without your knowledge magic is happeninginside you.What will happen?The fear will take its toll reaching the highest peak!Your prospects will notice present of fear from your conversation.Do you fear playing lotto just because you lost? Play as many as possible phone calls lotto and do not expect to win. Write down a script in relation to your business.I will show you the magic pill to eliminate the fear of phonein record time. However, when I discovered the two minute exercise a new worldopened converting me into a calling machine.It doesn't matter the level of your fears but beassured that the exercise works.The telephone is a very essential tool to expose yourbusiness.Go for it! Launch the fear attack compaign toimprove your business and better your lifestyle