The next is a webhosting service. I would like to repeat the same thing here, never go for a free service. You will need to do your profitable internet home business in a professional and credible way. With free service providers, there will be advertisements in your site and some may not be of your business interest. Secondly when you want to expand your business, which will come soon enough, and need extra space, you will need to go for paid service since your free service provider will not provide extra space and at that time you loose your old customers and traffic. Hence a good webhosting service is very important. Let us see what webhosting really means. Your website files and all related information and data are stored in your web host server/computers. This is required because your website should be available 24/7 and should be able to accomodate any amount of traffic.150

When choosing your webhosting sevice you will need to look for a few important features you need to run the website like:

1. CGI - BIN, this is required for interactivity of your website.

2. PHP4,

3. uptime, this is the amout of time your site is available for visitors, this should be 24/7 or close

4. excellent cutomer support,

5. setup fees, none

6. space, more the better

7. traffic capacity/ bandwidth, more the better

8. pop email accounts, never less than 10 but unimited is the best

9. site stats, needed to keep track of yor site

10. FTP, atleast one account.

The third most important service is autoresponders. what is an autoresponder? an autoresponder follows up with your website visitors to provide useful information, build trust and ultimetely make some sales. Why does one need an autoresponder? here's why. Majority of the people who visit your website will not buy from you on their first visit. infact, most people do not buy a product on the internet until they have seen it or heard about it atleast 7 time. If you are promoting a product on the internet and you don't have an effective way to capture and follow-up with your website visitors to remind them about the products and services you are promoting, you will lose a lot of sales.

let us summerise, the 3 most important services to run a profitable internet home business are:

a) domain name service

b) webhosting service and

c) autoresponder service.


3 Main Reasons Why Video Advertising Is Becoming More Popular


Video advertising is the new way to get the message out about your business, services or products. Here are the three main reasons why video advertising is currently one of the most popular internet marketing methods.

With increasing access to broadband connection, online video streaming as a form of advertisement is becoming increasingly popular. Different types of videos abound in the internet – video emails, video instant messages, video broadcasts, and video blogs.



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Video advertising is the new way to get the message out about your business, services or products. Here are the three main reasons why video advertising is currently one of the most popular internet marketing methods.

With increasing access to broadband connection, online video streaming as a form of advertisement is becoming increasingly popular. Different types of videos abound in the internet – video emails, video instant messages, video broadcasts, and video blogs.

The idea is to create videos that could put out effective advertisements without alienating viewers who have not yet jumped into the online advertisement viewing bandwagon. Internet video blogging sites like YouTube get millions of hits a day so companies are beginning to consider every possible way to get these people who visit these video blogging sites to buy their products or avail of their services.

There are a lot of reasons why video advertising is becoming increasingly popular; here are some of these reasons.

Reason 1: Wide Coverage and Reach

With video advertising, you will be able to reach different people, young or old, male or female. Your advertising will reach millions of people, regardless of their age, sex, and race.

For the owner of a Web site, every virus and illegal access that is prevented on their personal computer represents a lot of money saved. Perhaps more than most anyone else, Web site owners get their money's worth when buying security products. A Web site owner can lose their Web site and all their earnings from a single breach by a single hacker, even if that breach is on their home PC if that computer has been used to access restricted areas of their Web site. The peace of mind a few security software purchases can bring are more than worth the cost in dollars. Remember the old adage: penny wise and pound foolish? This can apply to managing a site in today's increasingly fraught environment. Are you being pound foolish?


3 Keys To Increasing Your MLM Blog Traffic


Bogs have proven to be an effective tool for building a network marketing business. The key to generating mlm blog traffic is to post useful content frequently and submit your blog to directories, search engines and social bookmarking sites.This article discusses how to generate ongoing mlm blog traffic.

Blogs are excellent for online network marketing.. In network marketing, the key to success is to build and maintain relationships with people who you can help.. The infor...


mlm blogs, mlm blogging, blog traffic, mlm blog traffic

Bogs have proven to be an effective tool for building a network marketing business. The key to generating mlm blog traffic is to post useful content frequently and submit your blog to directories, search engines and social bookmarking sites.This article discusses how to generate ongoing mlm blog traffic.

Blogs are excellent for online network marketing.. In network marketing, the key to success is to build and maintain relationships with people who you can help.. The informal nature of blogs makes them easy to read and so the response is also more than what is generated by a normal website. Blogs are easy to produce and their heavy content makes them perfect for getting business. Also, adding new content to a blog is very easy. Network marketers need to communicate with customers and prospects on a regular basis and reviewing and adding new material to a website is often difficult and time-consuming.

Blogs appeal to many people due to their simplicity and dynamic nature. Building relationships with prospects and customers and informing them about tools, solutions and products can be done easily through postings on a blog. It is a great way to educate and motivate existing team members

The subject of your MLM blog can be anything that will benefit and educate network marketers and business opportunity seekers.. Posting original articles will increase your MLM blog traffic because you will be adding fresh unique content, that search engines use to deliver higher rankings. Submit your articles to the article directories as soon after posting them to your blog as you can. The search engines will spider your blog first and still credit you for being the original publisher.

If you do not want to post articles to your blog, you could personalize it by talking TIMEZONE55 MEMUDAHKAN ANDA BERMAIN LIVE CASINO HANYA DARI SMARTPHONE ANDA about your own unique experiences of the product or program that you are promoting, on an ongoing basis. You could also write your own unique review of the program, mentioning both the major benefits and features of the program, and any slight faults inherent in the program for added credibility readers will appreciate your honesty as most so-called reviews are nothing more than hyped-up sales pitches. This will give your blog more credibility, which is an excellent way to increase mlm blog traffic.

Also make sure that you include prominent links to your own unique affiliate links and your other websites and blogs. You could also use a simple resource box with a link to your website at the end of each post.. Talking of which, after every post be sure to notify the various search engines by using 'ping' services such as Feedburner, Bolgflux or Pingomatic.

Writing and finding unique content for your blog is critical. It is not all that difficult and when posted frequently and pinged correctly, will result in steady and increase mlm blog traffic. More mlm blog traffic means more people are getting to know and trust you and looking at your websites and primary network marketing business.


3 Free Home Business Entrepreneur Tools And Resources


What Everyone Needs to Know to Become a Successful Home Business Entrepreneur is on the Internet for Free

Copyright © Tim Lockhart

Can you imagine a car without a stearing wheel or a sterio without speakers? That's what many home businesses are like. They are incomplete, but not for lack of data. Every home business entrepreneur knows that one of the most difficult things to do is filter out all the information and opportunities and lists out there and focus on incom...



What Everyone Needs to Know to Become a Successful Home Business Entrepreneur is on the Internet for Free

Copyright © Tim Lockhart

Can you imagine a car without a stearing wheel or a sterio without speakers? That's what many home businesses are like. They are incomplete, but not for lack of data. Every home business entrepreneur knows that one of the most difficult things to do is filter out all the information and opportunities and lists out there and focus on income producing activities. It seems like everyone is offering