

あくまでも 私が調べたもので

その 信憑性については

是非みなさまで 確認してくださいませ






責任だと 思うからです


3号機の 原子爆弾の破裂の音も

3回 しっかり聞こえちゃっておりますよね

(日本の NHK は音を消してたらしいね)



私の今日の E-version



The Man-made Earthquakes (4)

The Strange Locations of The Epicenters

It may be possible to hide or twist the truth for some time, but I don’t think it is possible to hide the truth forever. What I firmly believe is that the truth comes out in the end.

So far, the evil conspirators that I have frequently mentioned may have overly underestimated how their sheep (us) might react. The Bush faction among them, in particular, took us simply for idiots.

For example, they tried to trick us with their insider job, the 9/11 terrorist attack. However, they have made numerous errors in completing their mission, and some of them are now well-known to us.

(These failures have caused internal conflicts among these malicious people at the moment).

I really wonder why they were confident about convincing us that the impact of one plane could crumble the World Trade Center into 6 micron particles of ash. The conspirators are, actually, such stupid people.

In any case, from my point of view, their arrogance helped us to learn the truth. As I said, we cannot get away with twisting the truth without leaving a trace of the truth forever.

In support of the discussion above, please open the following site.


At this site, you can chronologically arrange the locations of the epicenters and the scale of the earthquakes that have hit Japan since March 11, 2011, on a map of Japan.

As the sequence of shocks is shown in detail, you can follow it quite easily. I myself have tried to recreate the sequence of shocks, and saw a very interesting result.

Why don’t you try it on your own? I am sure that you will get a result at the following site.


All the epicenters are lined up on a grid as if they were planted on grid streets and avenues! Some earthquakes occurred precisely at the same coordination of latitude and longitude. This is a miracle!

Can our mother nature plan where they want to create cracks in the plate in advance? Of course, she cannot. This is clearly one of the strongest proofs that the 3/11 earthquakes and their aftermaths are man-made.

Now, regarding the explosion of the Fukushima Reactor No. 3, there is interesting news; the explosion on March 14 may have been an atomic explosion, not the hydrogen explosion as TEPCO and the Japanese government have claimed.

Mr. Koide Hiroaki said on a radio show on May 5th that after the March 14th explosion at Reactor No. 3, a large amount of iodine 135 was detected in the Tokyo area on the following day, March 15th, by the Nuclear Research Center in Takasaki, Japan.

Because iodine 135 cannot be produced in a hydrogen explosion, and its half-life is 6.7 hours, the explosion was not a hydrogen explosion but it is highly likely to be an atomic explosion, as long as the data of the Takasaki Center was correct, he added.


I entirely agree with him (except for his reference to the Takasaki data). And, I am confident that three explosions shown in this video were atomic explosions. If you view the video, that is clear, isn’t it?


The formation, the scale and the color of smoke are completely different from those of hydrogen explosions. Also, you can hear the sounds of three explosions.

Meanwhile, a good question is who are the culprits? On March 29, a group of Israeli doctors and nurses started to treat the people in the Fukushima area, who may have been exposed to the leaking radiation from the Fukushima nuclear plants.

Are they some of the culprits?

Another good question is why it was important for the menacing conspirators to destroy the reactor with an atomic bomb?

My answer is that they want to give an awful image of Japan to the world, to show that Japanese security and crisis management systems are of poor quality.

At the following site, an anchorperson and a professor are arguing that the explosion at Reactor No. 3 was an atomic explosion, and how atrocious our government has been because the radiation from Japan has affected the whole world in a negative way.

He insists that the nuclear crisis in Japan is devastating, and can be worse than that of the Chernobyl disaster.


I agree with him on the point that the explosion was an atomic explosion.

Yet, my question is that why they have only started to disclose it now?

In the meantime, at the moment, beside the point just above, I don’t have much information to judge the accuracy of their discussion.

However, I do not like their agitated manner of talking. Did they need to show so much of their anger and irritation?

To me, they sounded as if they wanted to put us in a panic. My suspicion is that, perhaps, they may be again one of the culprits who want to manipulate the whole situation of this “nuclear crisis” created by the “evil country of Japan”.

Please continue to find further information, think and judge what is really happening now.

Poet Calico Cat