
3・11 が人工地震であったことが検証できる

証拠が たくさんあります

1) 3連発だったと言っている NHK のニュース






おっと ニコニコ画像見るためには


3.11東日本大震災 3連続地震資料映像 で


2) 1995年9月21日付の朝日新聞が



3)New Zealand 沖で実際に Project Seal 





上記 2点について E-version で書いてみました








Evidence of the 3/11 Man-Made Earthquakes

I fear that some people still believe that the 3/11 earthquake and the following tsunami were natural disasters. I wonder why you still believe so.

Is that because the NHK, the Nippon Hoso Kyokai, does not say so? Or, is it because the major newspapers, such as the Asahi Shinbun, have not mentioned the possibility of the earthquake being caused by three nuclear explosions?

Okay, then, I would like to present some evidence from these “major” media, which you trust, which can prove that it was a man-made earthquake.

First, I would like to present the NHK version of the news that analyzed the details of the 3/11 earthquake right after it hit the Tohoku Area.

This news has disappeared or has been erased very quickly by the unknown sources, such as the government, before you could watch it. That is why you could not watch it, I presume.

If you watch the following video, you need to register and become a member of Nikoniko Doga. The title of this video is 3.11東日本大震災 3連続地震資料映像. Please copy and paste it.


It reported that according to the Japanese Meteorological Agency Analysis, there were three different epicenters to this earthquake.

These three epicenters were scattered across an area of 200 kilometers wide and 500 hundred kilometers long.

It reported that the first earthquake (the commentator used the word “destruction” instead) occurred near the Iwate coastal area and continued for 1 minute and 40 seconds.

Then, 50 seconds after the first one, the second earthquake/destruction occurred off the coast of the Miyazaki areaThis earthquake/destruction also continued for 1 minute and 40 seconds.

Then, soon the third destruction took place off the coast of the Miyazaki area. This one again continued for one minute and 40 seconds.

It took approximately 5 minutes for all three destructions to finish.

Now, I have to ask myself as well as you the following questions:

If it was a natural earthquake, would it be possible to have three consecutive natural earthquakes, each of them lasting precisely 1 minute and 40 seconds?

Is it possible for three earthquakes to hit the same coastal area in Japan from north to south in a row? Why are their epicenters parallel to the coast?

Regarding the disappearance of this news, why is the report so important that the unknown source wanted to erase it so quickly?

Is it because this news contains crucial information that can prove that the 3/11 was a man-made earthquake?

Also, one of the biggest issues is that no Japanese seismologists have commented on this phenomenon.

Why do they keep silent? What is going on behind the scenes?

In regard to newspaper articles, the Asahi Shinbun reported on September 21, 1995 that a plan to create nuclear man-made earthquakes was presented by the International Geophysical Year Special Committee.

University Professors, including Mr. Nagata as the head, and Mr. Hasegawa, attended the conference to hear about the plan, and were asked by the Committee to discuss the issue among Japanese scholars.


Along with this article, I recommend that you take a look at both the following website, and the report on the tsumani-bomb by the well-regarded New Zealand Herald.

The article reveals “the Project Seal” and its devastating war secret, the tsunami bomb on September 25, 1999.


There is a huge amount of information that has been hidden from us. Why?

That is because evil powers want us to remain ignorant, passive, and weak-brained so that they can easily and successfully use, exploit and rule us.

What do you think?

Poet Calico Cat


The Chuou Nippo has reported that M 2 or 3 scaled man-made earthquake occured in North Korea on April 25, 2011.
