
やだ やだ




そして 恐ろしい





9・11 が テロリストによる攻撃だって







まだまだ 知らないこと


少しずつ 勉強していきます



今日の E-version にも描いた


さぞや びっくりされたでしょうね

いきなり 戦場に出されて




The Japanese Self Defense Army Soldiers’ Deaths

After uploading my text last night, I browsed some of my favorite blogs as usual. There, I found some very shocking news to me: 35 Japanese self-defense military soldiers were killed in Iraq or committed suicide and died after coming back to Japan!

According to the news, their deaths were disclosed in the Diet by then Prime Minister Fukuda in 2008, to answer the questions asked by a member of the Diet, Mr. Teruya Hirotoku. I am sure that if I had known about their deaths, I would not have been much surprised.

However, because at that time I was a brainless rat, or because the article that appeared on the evening version of the Sankei Newspaper was very tiny and no other media reported on it, intentionally I would say, the news did not reach me.


But, as is easily expected, the impact of this news would have been enormous for all Japanese if the major media had reported on it.

Because the government had insisted that soldiers would be dispatched to Iraq to help foreign soldiers’ activities and secure safety and peace of Iraq, not to go into battle to risk their lives, they should not have been obligated to be in situations where they could be killed.


In this Wicki page, it is said that soldiers should only support other foreign military members from behind.

Furthermore, as the Constitution of Japan prohibits any actions that may be considered combat operations, the government created a new law to ensure that Japanese soldiers would never participate in any form of military actions.

This law is called Anti Terrorism Special Measures Law.

However, I wondered how the soldiers could protect themselves when attacked, if they are forbidden to use any weapons by this law? Therefore, I think that this law is highly too idealistic, and without question has put our self-defense force soldiers at a greater risk.


In addition, as this video shows, the American military in Iraq used depleted uranium munitions that the American government could not sell to other countries.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2205254052040284660 #

Countryside of Iraq has been consequently highly contaminated by depleted uranium and it is estimated that it should take around 45 million years to recover from this contamination, meaning no one can live there anymore.

I have no idea if the deaths of the soldiers who were said to have died in battle, or committed suicide afterwards, are due to their exposure to radiation from depleted uranium in Iraq or killed in the battlefield.

Yet, we cannot deny the fact that 5,600 soldiers from the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force, 330 soldiers from the Japanese Navy Self-Defense Force, and 2870 soldiers from the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force were dispatched to an environment where the impact of depleted uranium was undeniable, and 35 of them died for some reason.

Now, I have to ask this fundamental question: Why did our government not report this news to us? Why was it only one minor newspaper that, in fact, reported on this very important subject?

In my understanding, this is because the government wanted to hide this fact and pretend that nothing had happened to them in Iraq.

They were very afraid that the deaths of these soldiers might greatly influence the public, and that would hamper their mission to help America and to follow them whatever they do, for their own profits and safety.

This attitude of our government is just disgusting, and I cannot find any other object or being that is more rotten than them.

Last of all, I would like to introduce you to a video, in which you can see very worried mothers, some of who are crying, to learn that their children and babies must remain in an area that is highly dangerous for them; the level of radiation is 20 milli-sieberts, which is the same level as for adult nuclear workers.

This means that those children will have a greater chance to have cancer in 5 to 10 years.


This is also immensely disgusting, and I have no words to express my anger

at our government, and those who have been instructing them from behind.

Poet Calico Cat