発明家 そして












報道されている二次的な 連中が







Benjamin’s Books

As soon as I learned about Benjamin Fulford, I reserved at my local library some of his books that had attracted my attention, and was able to borrow them very quickly.

Actually, it was shocking for me to learn that in his books, he sharply but aptly criticized the old-fashioned and closed Japanese mass media, which the notorious collusion of politicians, bureaucrats, businessmen and the Yakuza (The Japanese Mafia) in Japan have for a long time taken advantage of.

In the meantime, what surprised me was that all his books are written in simple but sophisticated Japanese. Therefore, it was relatively easy for me to understand what he implied in his texts.

However, what struck me most were his brevity as well as his capability to discern the essence of matters. On the front cover of each book, I could see what he notes about his life and work. He says that he is willingly to risk his life as a journalist to prove his theory: the world is being controlled by what he calls the Illuminati.

In comparison with a man like Benjamin, who possesses discerning insights into the fundamental issues and deep devotion to prove the undeniable facts, I am such a coward and, most of all, an ignorant one.

For example, I can see that the Tokyo municipal office statistics show that the amount of radiation in air in Tokyo yesterday was still relatively high - 0.77 μSv/h, which is the 5th highest among 47 areas, after Fukushima, Ibaraki, Yamaguchi, and Miyagi.

Although it is possible to say that the figure is just within the normal level (0.028,0.079), the fact is that the air that we breathe every day is definitely contaminated with radiation from Fukushima. It is absolutely not safe enough to forget about wearing a mask.

However, due to my poor knowledge of radioactivity, I cannot analyze these figures scientifically. All I can sense is that there is something wrong with the way the statistics are displayed.

Oh, by the way, have you noticed that the Yamaguchi Prefecture has shown a higher rate of irradiation than the Miyagi Prefecture (0.095μSv/h)? It is understandable that because Miyagi has been affected by what has been happening in Fukushima, its rate of radioactive has risen and shows 0. 076μSv/h, which is much higher than its average, 0.0176~0.0513μSv/h.

Yet, in the case of the Yamaguchi Prefecture, I wonder why its rate of irradiation is so high, despite the fact that no nuclear accidents had taken place there so far.

Also, the tap water that comes from Tokyo’s water purifying plants still contains iodine 31, cesium 135 and 137. Therefore, we cannot proudly declare that it is safe to use it as drinking water. Even though the amount is small, the risk of internal exposure to radiation apparently still exists.

Currently, the information that I mentioned above may not be distributed by the major media, including newspapers, TV, and magazines, which I never trust. However, this is a fact and we should never forget the risk of radioactive contamination.

It really does not matter if the authorities announce the water is safe or unsafe. Information that we must be based on to protect our health is the facts and figures, isn’t it?

In any case, the more I read Benjamin’s inspiring and challenging books regarding the hidden powerful destructive groups - the Illuminati, the harder I have to push myself to read further. For me, it is urgent and imperative that I understand and prove their horrible conspiracies, crimes, and malicious lies, as Benjamin has struggled to do so.

Japan is not an exception that can escape from their evil, I am sure of this.

Poet Calico Cat


You can find the information about the rate of radiation at the following website.



Mr. Yukio Funai also supports Benjamin.
