

















私の 今夜の E-version



Are We Morons?

As you know well, 9/11 was plotted and conducted by the US government, headed by George Bush, Dick Cheney, and some other military men. Furthermore, it is tacitly understood that some rich bankers, who are the ultimate evil, had backed and instructed them.

Although this tragedy took place in 2001, a decade ago, I still feel as if it had happened only last year. Why do I feel like this? Because America is still at war with some countries and they claim that these wars are for democracy and freedom, which is a total lie.

All of us know that the wars are for making money, getting oil and destroying the countries which are against them. They perform the wars for their benefits. We all know this, don’t we?

They covered up the conspiracy and by using the media that they controlled, they fooled American citizens and people around the world..

They deceived us and nearly made us believe that the culprit for 9/11 was Osama Bin Laden, or Al Qaida, or some Arabs. But, as we know, they themsevles were the plotters and the monstrous murdererss of the people. It was they who destroyed four buildings including the Pentagon, to start wars and cover up their own wrongdoings.

Now, look at the Japanese government. Aren’t they doing the same thing to us?

Since March 11 (not September 11, though), at least four reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plants have been crippled because of the big earthquake that hit the Fukushima area, and the tsunami that followed it.

The NHK news here reports that water that was being pumped into the reactor is leaking into the ocean, contaminating it. But, it adds, “The immediate threat to health by the contamination cannot be predicted”.

Hearing this report, I must pause and ask, “Hey, what do you mean by that? Does it mean that long-term harmful influence or outcome can be foreseen? What do you mean by “immediate”, anyway?”

Follwoing my reaction, I begin to feel furious, “Can’t you be more specific? Or are you trying to blur the information? Are you fooling the viewers? ”

Whenever I hear this kind of news, I feel as if I were treated like a moron, or a monkey, who does not have the capability to doubt anything.

Today, at the beauty shop, I had my hair cut. While my beautician was taking care of my hair, on the radio, a male anchorperson said,

“We have such nice weather in Tokyo today. Why don’t you go out and take a walk in the warm sunshine and enjoy the mild temperature?”

As soon as I heard his comment, I gasped, as I could not believe what he said. Our situation is, as is understood, that everything around us, not to mention, air, vegetables and water, is contaminated by radioactivity.

My honest reaction on the spot was, “What!? Are you telling us a black joke? Don’t you have anything else to report?”

I strongly believe that the mass media have the responsibility to report us what is important for all us. They must feed us the authentic information about the present status of the reactors, the level of contamination, and the necessary procedures of protecting us from the further exposure to the radioactive.

However, to me, they sound as if they were totally forbidden to report about the imperative and relevant information about the nuclear explosions at the reactors and subsequent failures. Yes, indeed, they seem to be under very strict orders regarding the issues, and are instructed by the government to keep the information sealed off.

Therefore, evidently, all the TV stations in Japan broadcast ordinary programs, featuring foolish comedians’ talks not about the accident but stupid stuff, such as what we ate last night.

I would like to urge them to stop all these junk programs, and give us the important and necessary information to enable us to survive, please!

Who do they think wants to see this kind of program in our state of national emergency??!! I really wonder what they expect us to be. Yes, they want us to remain as morons! There is no doubt about that. Shame on them!

Poet Calico Cat