During the holiday, my boyfriend and family stayed with me :)

I realized that I had been kind of a homesick :(

I always don't understand my true heart. lol

I felt really happy spending time with them.

I could do many things that I had wanted to do!!

We could finally ride on London eye :D and bicycle taxi!!

New year fireworks were so impressive!!!

You should check it on youtube!

I set my goal of this year!

First, stop comparing myself and others.
There is no use comparing.
We are not competing with each other so we don't have to compare.
You do what you want, and I do what I want. That's all!!

Second, I would like to improve my language skills.
Not only English but also Spanish, French, and German.
I know I cannot speak these languages like English.
But I enjoy learning them and it helps my English vocabulary.

Third, I don't decide it to be honest! lol
I do my best to keep me healthy then.lol

Happy new year 2011!!

I'd like to talk about my Christmas holiday!

I visited Spain & Portugal!

I had known that Spain had been a bit dangerous country, and that was right.

Nothing happened but some strange drunk guy chased us for a while,,,

I was into studying Spanish language!!

I can say easy phrases such as "give me a bill please" or "where is ~" and so on.

And Portugal is really good place to visit!!

You can see beautiful scenery, you can eat fantastic sea food,,,

Look at this view!!!

$みかんせい in LONDON

I felt flying!

But children should not do this anyway. lol

$みかんせい in LONDON


$みかんせい in LONDON

$みかんせい in LONDON

I love these houses <3
Hi everyone :)

Did you enjoy your winter holiday?


Of course! I really enjoyed it!!!!

I'll tell you later ;)

And I started new challenge!

video blog!!!! loooooool

I already want to quit it! looool

but it's really good,, because I can realize my English problems so clearly,,,,

Ahhhhh so embarrassing!!! (Then why don't you stop lol)

see you later~