


Sorry for not giving ペタ again. (´・ω・`)

I had been in Budapest all day yesterday.

Finally the animator school started yesterday.

I had to get up at 4:00 in the morning and I was there until 19:15. ヽ(;´ω`)ノ I arrived home at about 22:30.

Budapest is soooo far from Szeged. Err... The hungarian train is soooo slow rather and always late. ( ̄Д ̄;;

By the way really really cool school. I love it. ドキドキ

First of all, we learned about bouncing ball. Firstly it was a bit difficult to understand but lastly I understood it (´∀`)

Yesterday was the Foundation day in Hungary.

Mom and I went to see the Fireworks.

The Fireworks is usually on shore of Tisza in Szeged, but it was at the city hall this year.

We found a very good place to see the fireworks. ( ̄ー ̄)

So, some pic of the fireworks:

You can see more pic here
I'm really sorry for not giving peta to you yesterday. ヾ( ´ー`)

I was very busy.
Mom and I went to Hungarikum Festival yesterday where you could buy some hungarian stuff.

There was some ancient hungarian stuff, old hungarian stuff, foods and drinks (^人^)

I didn't buy anything because these were a bit expensive. By the way these were really beautiful.

Some ancient hungarian stuff

Amulets with ancient hungarian symbols

Old hungarian man and woman costume

Some stuff with hungarian fancy work pattern

How are these made (o^-')b

The real polka dot mug (●´ω`●) Very hungarian (^∇^)

Some foods and drinks

Last week, I got a lovely cloth from one of my friends.

She also got this cloth from somebody but she didn't like it, so she gave it to me . ヽ(;´ω`)ノ

I love it. ラブラブ I think, It's a really lovely and cute cloth. I love this style (/ω\)