Fish の little resting corner

Fish の little resting corner


LOL This is my 3rd week of working ever since I graduated from university ニコニコ

Okie~ everything seems to be going fine for the moment, just the moment.

Things gonna get more complicated after everything is settled around next week I think!


Shall enjoy as much as I can now before it's too late xD;;;
just feel like blogging today...

the letter that i've been trying not to think of it has finally arrived...

i don't know why but i don't really feel excited about it

i'm more of worried...

don't really feel inspired...

maybe i should be happy that i'm finally going to earn money

lols... what a stupid reason...

when i'm moody...

i feel like sleeping early...

even my mum knows sth is wrong with me

she can tell it from my face

i guess that's it

till the day i blog again

i hope it will be a happy post...

Suddenly feels so lousy...

Suddenly don't feel like going for karaoke tml...

So many many suddenly...

I think I am really pms-ing...

