The video shows testimony from someone who had spoken to a Korean comfort woman which I heard when entering a brothel house in Manchuria.


When I asked the Korean comfort woman, “Why did you come here?”, She said,

“One day, a broker (intermediary company) came, and tempted us saying, ‘Do you want to go and work? ______next door made a lot of money and built her own house. If you make money by comforting the soldiers, you can be very wealthy. If you work there for 3 years, you can have your own house. Don’t stay poor, but rather do something for your family. You can send money to your parents. It is that kind of place, so come and join us.’ I then made a pile of money. Next year, it will be 3 years that I have been living as a comfort woman, so I plan to go back to my hometown and build a big house."”

She said that she “came on the introduction of a broker.’

Therefore, the idea that Japanese soldiers attacked them and forcibly took them away is a complete lie.
They were happy to come.

“The soldiers came to be comforted and when they left, said
‘I will remember this fondly. Thank you. We are going to the battlefield tomorrow and may not make it home. I don’t need this money, so you have it’.
Many soldiers gave me money. It was more than our salaries.”

This is what the comfort woman told me.
Tears came to my eyes when I heard this.