Hello ニコニコラブラブ

I'm Michiko-sensei from Whipple American English School音譜

It's Tuesday, September 20ガーベラ

今朝は、警報が出ているので小学校・中学校・高校はお休み!!連休に引き続き、今日もまた家に子どもが4人ガーン うるさ〜〜〜いもやもや 9/25のTOEIC受験まで勉強できるのは、あと5日びっくりアセアセ 今日は自分の勉強に励みたいんですけど〜〜〜えー



Here's Adam-sensei アメリカ
Today I had the opportunity to watch the movie Suicide Squad, after being invited to go watch a movie with Michiko Sensei.  She made the offer, I was allowed to select the movie.  So, I picked Suicide Squad, based upon the DC Comic of the same name.  It is a strange premise, or idea, putting a group of bad guys together to try to do good in the world.  Most of the characters have a story within the story, such as Floyd Lawton, aka Deadshot, a professional hitman who is trying to get custody of his daughter from his ex-wife, because he wants to keep her safe.  Or Waylon Jones, a man with a horrible genetic defect that makes him look like a monster…and since everyone treats him like a monster, he becomes one.  We shouldn’t forget Dr. Harleen Quinzel, the psychologist turned super villainess known as Harley Quinn, who is as much a victim as she is a psychopath.  They are brought together by Amanda Waller, often called ‘the Wall’, who is possibly even more evil than the people she uses to try to save America and the world.  Calling her ‘evil’ probably isn’t strong enough.  She is a sociopath…but one who BELIEVES she is doing the right thing.  

It was a good movie.  I had fun.  

Word of the Day! 

  1. a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviour.

    English Tip!  Again, reading is important.  However, sometimes movies can be just as interesting and useful, as you get to see and hear the language used with context.  Hearing someone speak is good.  Reading their words is good.  But hearing them speak is GREAT.   You get to see their reactions as they speak.  Remember to observe next time you watch TV or a movie!

今日は、ミチコ先生はTOEICの問題を解きたいので、訳してませんチューアセアセ でも、今日の内容はそんなには難しくないと思うので、ぜひ自力で読んでみて下さいねおねがいラブラブ
昨日は、実はミチコ先生は映画を観てる時に、日本語の字幕を極力見ずに、英語の音声に集中しました。両方分かると、ちょっと気を抜いて日本語の字幕だけサラッと読んでたりするんですよね〜えータラー もちろん、英語のセリフが100%聞き取れているわけではないですが、言ってる英語の内容、ニュアンス、翻訳の仕方など、洋画はいろんな楽しみ方ができますラブラブ 以前は、ノートに英語の音声、日本語の音声、英語の字幕、日本語の字幕と書き分けて違いを確認したり、こまめに勉強していました。映像翻訳と文芸翻訳の勉強もしたんですが、翻訳って本当に奥が深いです!! 最近は、そこまで細かくやっていないですが、できるだけ細かく聞き込んでディクテーションできるぐらいの勢いで耳をダンボにしようと思っていますおねがいキラキラ ダンボって古い!?(笑)

↓ときどきポチッと↓よろしくお願いします クラッカー

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