Regardless of the assignment assigned by the tutor, every student needs to understand and follow a process that removes all the complications of completing an assignment and ensures that all the instructions given by the tutor are followed to the letter. By following a clearly established process rather than tackling each assignment differently, the student will save both time and achieve consistently high grades in all your assignments courses and projects. This guide goes through the stages followed in completing an assignment including reading instructions, writing drafts, referencing and citations, and proofreading.

Reading Instructions

Each assignment is always accompanied by instructions on how to complete the assignment, as well as the assignment question itself, which enables to student to complete the assignment as expected by the tutor. In this case, the first step in completing an assignment is reading the instructions and understanding them to eliminate mistakes resulting from lack of comprehension. In case the instructions are unclear in any way, the student should consult with the tutor or other students to ensure that he or she has a clear idea of what is expected by the tutor. Some of the assignment details included by tutors when giving an assignment include type of assignment, required number of words, formatting, citation style, and assignment subject among others.


Once instructions have been read and understood, the student should then research the topic with a focus on information that could be useful in answering the questions presented in the assignment instructions. During this stage of the process, information is sought from lecture notes, textbooks, websites, journals and other assigned readings that should provide the student with information on the topic in question.

Draft Writing

Once the student has researched a topic based on the tutor’s perspective and expectations, the next stage in completing an assignment successfully is writing the first draft of the assignment. During the writing process, the student should ensure that he or she completes assignment according to the provided instructions, which is done be referring to the instructions throughout the writing process. The student should note that quoting or copying from any source is unacceptable unless it is required in the assignment instructions; all information obtained from various sources should be paraphrased or expressed in the one’s own words and perspective.


When writing the draft, always place citations for sources from which important information on the assignment is obtained. In academic writing, only authoritative sources like organizational websites and reports, academic and professional journal articles, newspapers and magazines, and books should be cited. By using authoritative sources, the accuracy of the information provided in the assignment is ensured, and authority given to the assignment by relating one’s own ideas to those of others.


The final stage in completing an assignment accurately is proofreading to identify and eliminate any mistakes while confirming that the completed work adheres to the assignment instructions provided by the student. The proof reading process identifies grammatical and spelling mistakes that may have resulted when writing the draft which are then corrected as appropriate. In addition to correction grammatical and spelling mistakes, proofreading gives the student the chance to confirm that the document is in line with the tutor’s expectations. In some cases, tutors may allow students to send documents for feedback before the final submission, which may give the student the chance to improve his or her work and get a better grade.


The process of completing an assignment follows 5 primary stages including reading of instructions, researching, draft writing, citation and proofreading as discussed above. However, this process is not fixed, ad its application depends on student preferences, but should act as a guide for successful completion of high quality assignments. Once a student gets in the habit of completing assignments based on the guidelines provided here, the process is made much simpler so that they can focus on academic and professional content