
Exploring the nature of how our experience of what we call &#8220elf&#8221 emerges across the lifespan.Both a personal and general meditation on identity and belonging, Daniel J. Siegel&#8217 book combines personal reflections with scientific discussions of how the mind, brain, and our relationships shape who we are. Weaving the internal and external, the subjective and objective, IntraConnected reveals how our culture may give us a message of separation as a solo, isolated self, but a wider perspective unveils that who we are may be something more&#8212broader than the brain, bigger even than the body&#8212and fundamental to social systems and the natural world.Our body-based self&#8212the origin of a Me&#8212is not only connected to others but connected within our relational worlds themselves&#8212a WE&#8212forming the essence of how we belong and our identity. If the pandemic has taught us nothing else, it has taught us that we are all connected. IntraConnected discusses that 