EBOoK@ The Borderline Personality Disorder Workbook An Integrative Program to Understand and Manage Your BPD (A New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook) E-PUB





How To Be A Coffee Bean: 111 Life-Changing Ways To Create Positive Change

Author : Jon Gordon
Pages : 256
Language :eng
Release Date :2023-2-1
ISBN :1119430283
Publisher :Wiley

Winning strategies to unlock positivity and reveal your best youIn The Power of a Positive You, bestselling author Jon Gordon delves deeper than ever before to bring you the definitive guide to being your very best you. Mining the lessons learned in his 15 books--including bestsellers The Energy Bus, The Carpenter, The Power of Positive Leadership, and more--Jon crafts a compendium of wisdom designed to help you overcome what's holding you back. This engaging resource draws from the latest research to share proven strategies for transforming weaknesses into strengths. Compelling stories from those who have charted their own transformational path bolster a wealth of best practices and real-world techniques for improving communication, relationships, attitude, and outlook -- so you can face the world with optimism and energy.This actionable guide balances insight and motivation to help you identify your stumbling blocks and clear a path to your goals. Jon's work with Fortune 500 companies, sports teams, schools, hospitals, and nonprofits has allowed him to inspire countless individuals around the world; with this book, you too can gain the wisdom and guidance you need to:Overcome negativity and build a commitment to yourself Enhance communication and your connections with others Maintain optimism through adversity using proven strategies Build a stronger, more positive you Every day throws new curveballs, new challenges, and new obstacles--but by strengthening your ability to communicate, connect, and self-correct, you become an unstoppable force in pursuit of your dreams. The Power of a Positive You offers a winning combination of storytelling and strategy to help you embrace positivity, improve your relationships, and become the best version of yourself you can be.

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The Borderline Personality Disorder Workbook: An Integrative Program to Understand and Manage Your BPD (A New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook)

Author : Daniel J. Fox
Pages :
Language :
Release Date :--
ISBN :1684032733
Publisher :

Introducing a breakthrough, integrative approach to managing your borderline personality disorder (BPD).If you’ve been diagnosed with BPD you may feel a number of emotions—including shock, shame, sadness, abandonment, emptiness, or even anger. Even worse, you may be tempted to research your diagnosis online, only to find doomsday scenarios and terrible prognoses everywhere you click. Take a deep breath. You can get through this—and this workbook will help guide you.Despite what you may have read or been told, BPD is not the worst thing that can happen to you. Like many mental health issues, it manifests on a continuum, and while some people may experience extreme symptoms and consequences on one end, others may be less affected on the other. What do you all have in common? You likely experience difficulty balancing your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that disrupt how you see yourself and the success you have in relationships. And you may even have trouble seeing yourself clearly—continuously switching from the hero to the villain of the story you’ve written about your life. So, how can you make sense of it all and start on the road to healing?Rather than utilizing a one-size-fits-all treatment, this groundbreaking and comprehensive workbook meets you where you are on your therapeutic journey, and provides an integrative approach to treating BPD drawing on evidence-based dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and interpersonal therapy. With this compassionate workbook, you’ll gain a greater understanding of your BPD, uncover your own emotional triggers, and discover your own personal motivators for positive change.Your BPD has determined how you see and live your life, but it doesn’t have to define you forever. With this workbook as your guide, you’ll be ready to face your diagnosis head-on, and take those important first steps toward lasting wellness.

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