二人が正解する確率は18%,一人だけだと54% 正解率が高い方の正解率はいくつ? | 数楽者のボヤキ・ツブヤキ・ササヤキ-中学 数学 道徳 Mathematics Puzzles-

数楽者のボヤキ・ツブヤキ・ササヤキ-中学 数学 道徳 Mathematics Puzzles-

中学の数学教師が綴る独り言 中学数学,道徳,数学パズル,数学史,和算,Teachers of Mathematicsの話題,小中連携教育,学校行事の様子をデジカメ写真付きで紹介

The probability that both Adrian and Brian answer a question correctly is 18 percent. The probability that one, but not both, of them answers the question correctly is 54 percent.
Given that Adrian and Brian are operating independently, what is the probability that Adrian answers the question correctly, given that Adrian is more likely than Brian to answer correctly?

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