
Difficult point: preposion of use 

"Twenty-fice years disctimination was outlawed" 

Checking  this centens, I cought image this is centence not knot. 


Following to  "progress towards inclusiong and equality has gone into revese"

S= progress 


Antoine Grizmann, who is football player diceided to cut his commercial ties to the Chinese tech Huaweim, for its new tech is possible to infringe human right. 


Althoug Chinese governmetn formally denies those fact, Many global companies are showing the attitude "No".  The other hands, Japanese company hesitate those style. It is too surprised for me that there is my ones favorite firm including the list that concern about Uighurs proble do not show defind attitude.

What we get in exchange for our conventional? 


This news makes me feel sad. 

NHS which is Britain health care system has institutional defeat. As result more 1800 babies were died.

Those accident caseud not animosity of human but failse of NHS system.


Into Dec This year is over eventually.

At afternoon browing the wind, I caually am genuinely anything. 

In calm rustic time, It seems to me that to spin some word is meaningless, so being put into word, what I really wont to say or feeling is mist over.




Today's journal is that Gurdian editorial in Dec.4,2020.


Clemency is a noble quality, but in Donald Trump's hands it risks being a self-serving abuse of law and due process.



*US president's power to pardon seems to rapidly increase American's claims.

*Many US president respect to act the right but Trump is no respect.

*He use the power to him friends and his family member.


Constitutional Court in Poland judge to refuse abortion. 

Even if they argue that this judgement is limited so that baby whose heavy inborn disablemenet, effectively Poland women did only those case. Shortly,

this time decision is to edode to fundamental human right. 


Is this year warm winter?

Even thoug form day after tomorow December come, I do not feel too cold.

Just  times of sunset is getting faster day by day.

And recently, I feel hard to read and understand English txet, only look.

So, I try to go back beginner's spilit, I will try to read sentence by sentence.


Nov.27?, 2020. Gardinan editonal


The Guardian view on the Brexit drop the clean beal myth.

The prime minister needs to look beyond 31 December and start rrepairing relations with Briatin's neighbours.