Marshall English School News マーシャル・イングリッシュ・スクールニュース -4ページ目

Marshall English School News マーシャル・イングリッシュ・スクールニュース



Let's study English together!!

Bruce is talking to a co-worker.

Jose:  How's life?
Bruce:  Pretty good.  You?
Jose:  Good.  Any plans for the weekend?
Bruce:  Yeah.  Actually, I'm taking up the harmonica.  My first lesson is tomorrow.
Jose:  That's cool.
Bruce:  Do you play any instruments?
Jose:  I play the guitar.
Bruce:  Nice.  Let's start a band!
Jose:  Ha ha, sounds good.

Key Point:  You can say "I'm taking up _____." to say you're starting a new hobby.

Hannah is and Amy are at a morning market.

Hannah:  Look at all this produce.
Amy:  I shop here every Saturday.  There's nothing better than local organic veggies.
Hannah:  I couldn't agree more.  I'm definitely going to get some corn and eggplant.

Key Point:  "Veggies" is a nickname for vegetables.

Bruce and Keenan are having coffee.

Bruce:  You hear about Ichiro?
Keenan:  Yeah, he hit number three thousand.
Bruce:  That's so impressive.  He's a legend.
Keenan:  He's a real samurai.  Always gives a hundred and ten percent.

Key Point:  "Impressive" means really, really great.  Way to go Ichiro!

Hannah is at a fast food restaurant.

Staff:  Hello, how are you today?
Hannah:  Good, thanks.  How are you?
Staff:  Good, thanks.  What would you like?
Hannah:  Can I get a fish sandwich and onion rings, please?
Staff:  Alright.  Anything to drink?
Hannah:  Iced tea, please.
Staff:  That'll be 7.60, please.  Out of ten.  Here's your change and your order will be right up.
Hannah:  Thank you.

Key Point:  "I'd like _____." is always okay but at a casual restaurant you can say "Can I get _____, please?"

Hannah is at a fast food restaurant.

Staff:  Hello, how are you today?
Hannah:  Good, thanks.  How are you?
Staff:  Good, thanks.  What would you like?
Hannah:  Can I get a fish sandwich and onion rings, please?
Staff:  Alright.  Anything to drink?
Hannah:  Iced tea, please.
Staff:  That'll be 7.60, please.  Out of ten.  Here's your change and your order will be right up.
Hannah:  Thank you.

Key Point:  "I'd like _____." is always okay but at a casual restaurant you can say "Can I get _____, please?"