





  • おくのほそ道のゆかりの地にまつわる郷土料理を英語でお教えします。
  • おくのほそ道の起点、東京深川+宿場町草加から終点岐阜の大垣までの要所の郷土料理を一汁二菜の献立にします。毎回寄港地にまつわる俳句を英語でご紹介します。Onlineの場合は時間の関係で1菜になります。
  • レッスンは少人数制でアットホームな雰囲気です。
  • 和食を学びながら江戸の文化や俳句の世界に思いをはせましょう。
  • デモストレーションをしながら、材料や調味料等の説明をします。また、日本の調理器具も使いながら、料理をします。


  • 和食が好き!
  • 日本の料理と江戸の文化、俳句に興味がある。
  • 日本人とのコミュニケーションを広げたい


Lessons on "Basho Meshi", to become a good walker through Japanese local soul foods just like Basho Matsuo!

The class designed for foreigners enables you to cook Japanese local soul foods related to Oku no Hosomichi, compiled by Basho Matsuo, Japanese famous poet of Edo period.
All seasonal, local fresh ingredients and English instructions.

Lesson details:

  • Local Japanese Soul foods lessons with English instructions.
  • Special recipes for local foods related to the area introduced in Okuno Hosomichi, one of the masterpiece book compiled by Basho featuring the northern region of Japan, consisting of 1 main dish, 1 side dish, 1 soup and rice per lesson. In case of on-line lesson,  due to the limited duration only one dish will be covered.
  • Rice will be the fundamental source of energy for athletes and walkers. Various recipes for sushi and rice cooked with local ingredients will be introduced. 
  • Small group lessons with relaxing, homelike atmosphere.
  • Provide great opportunity for you to learn Japanese history, Haiku literature, as well as traditional local foods. 
  • We will demonstrate the way to cook with explanation of ingredients and seasonings. You will also use Japanese cooking tools.
Perfect lesson for those who are interested in: 
  • Japanese food
  • Japanese local food, Edo culture and Haiku poems
  • Communicate with Japanese local 
  • Cooking beginners are more than welcome!