Long term chastity problems tend to fall into types:


Physical long term chastity problems

The physical problems are easy to deal with because they mostly consist of the man feeling constantly horny and struggling to come to grips with the reality of chastity compared to the fantasy he's carefully built up, often over several decades.

And don't underestimate how tough this can be - when you're straining at the walls of your cage and you've got another few months or so to go before you get release, it can be very, very tough going for a man.

But "man up". This is what you begged her for, remember?

Some men have physical problems with the devices themselves (and about one in a gazillion have problems with their prostate but this seems to be very, very rare).

Psychological long term chastity problems

These are less obvious because you simply can't see what's going on in someone else's head and can only guess from their behaviour what they're thinking.

But, again contrary to popular belief and the crap put about by some of the more cerebrally challenged people on certain chastity forums, there's no reason for a man to undergo some kind of profound psychological change just because he's playing the chastity game with his wife.

Remember this is always consensual and you're simply not going to get the same kind of changes you might expect if he were, say, actually locked in dungeon or something (and the whole idea of "chastity training" against his will is just plain stupid).

Relationship long term chastity problems

If the emails I get are anything to go by the biggest challenge couples playing the male chastity game face is actually playing the same game. I get a lot of (frankly whining) emails from men who tell me their wives have locked them and are now "ignoring" them.

Well, I have two things to say to that.

First I am the wrong person to be having this conversation with. You need to be talking to your wife about that, not me.

And secondly the reason this problem has come about at all is an initial lack of communication.

You may have said "I want you to lock me and deny my orgasms for as long as you like", but what you meant was "... and I want lots of tease and denial from you as well".

She can't read your mind.

This is your fantasy, your game.

And if she isn't playing it the way you want her to and expected she would do, then the chances are excellent it's because YOU haven't communicated this to her properly.

The hotwife or cuckolding fantasy is a very popular one for men, but even though they think about it often, it's rare they actually think about it very deeply.

And the problem with this is the things you need to do to make the hotwife lifestyle appeal to your wife means sitting down and thinking about it a little more deeply than you have been doing -- simply because when it comes to these things, men and women have a very different approach.

Consider: for men, the cuckolding fantasy is really all about watching, hearing and having their beloved relate her experiences of having the hottest, dirtiest sex imaginable with another man.

That's it. It is to romance what the Terminator films are to erudition.

But for women, that idea simply does not appeal. I'm not saying women don't have powerful sex urges like men do -- of course they do. But for most women the emotional component comes in first. Sure a lot of women have had no-strings one-night stands, but it's far rarer than it is among men (and the fact we remark upon it when we hear about it tells us it's so much rarer).

So when a man describes his desires and motivations for getting his wife to cuckold him, he usually sets about it in entirely the wrong way -- because he'll try to sell her on the idea of a wild night of rampant sex with a virtual stranger while her husband watches.

For so, so many reasons, most women will find that a bigger and quicker turn off than a string vest and nasal hair.

Here's an alternative scenario for the...

Ultimate Hotwife Night

OK, so let's imagine you've sold her on the idea of sleeping with someone else at least in principle and you've NOT fried her brain with visions of hot, dirty sex as seen in your favorite porn slot online pragmatic film (that'll all come later as she grows into her role as a hotwife).

How you do this is beyond the scope of this article, but it's not as hard as you might imagine.

But supposing you've done that, now picture this:

You, your wife and your wife's prospective new lover have had a nice meal together and shared a few bottles of wine. Everyone's feeling it, but no one's drunk or anything like that.

You've both invited him over and she's said in principle he's OK... but no promises.

All the time they're unself­con­sciously flirt­ing with each other drop­ping lots of hints and innuendo, and you're encouraging them with your comments, smiles and body language.

Then there comes that moment when they exchange that look, she takes his hand, smiles at you and leads him up to your bed­room, leaving you to clear away the dishes that remain and lock up for the night.

By the time you get to bed your­self, they're in bed. Your bed.

The door is closed and you can hear them talk­ing and gig­gling from time to time.

Then the talk­ing stops and there's silence.

You lie in the next room strain­ing your ears for the first signs of love­mak­ing... and then you hear it.

Per­haps it's a gasp or a sigh. Some­times it's the bed thump­ing against the wall.

Occasion­ally it's a loud moan...

But what­ever it is, you hear it, and you can only imagine exactly what he's doing to her in that pre­cise moment to elicit that response.

And before you know it they're in full swing and you can hear every­thing... the groans, the moans, the bang­ing of the bed and your own wife's beg­ging and plead­ing entreaties for him to make love to me, give it to me hard, make me cum, cum cum...

And she's doing it for you just as much as she's doing it for her­self and for him.

Now, can you see how if you were to describe your fantasy as a story, a possible future scenario like this one, which is romantic rather than just raunchy sex, your beloved is going to be a lot more receptive to your ideas?