



Good evening ! Someday, I will want to remember this study abroad so, write a diary since today....

Today's breakfast is riceball and miso soup ! I want to eat it soon ;;

Air plane was JAL. It was very confortable, so I slept too much. I arrived Wisconsin at am 8:30 and

took a bus 4 hours. It's soooooooooooooooooooo long ! For example Tokyo to Niigata !

I slept there too ^^ STAR BUCKS'clue was angry? I was afraid ;; and shocked my english skills.

Wisconsin univercity is very local place, like yotsukaido^^ Dormitory is little old but only 5 days,

don't worry. American pizza was big !!!!!!!! I'm stomachache now ;; haha

I'm so tired now...... yesterday I should take placement test ;; I want to be same class with motti !

Good night ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^★

                                      1st day.