Five days a week I'm a kaishain, an office worker. I
serve as the director of marketing for a pair of sister
companies in the human capital business. One evening
recently I was entertaining two marketing consultants
from Texas who had spent the day facilitating a
planning session for our management team. I took them
to a brewery restaurant for dinner and one of them
asked, "So, what is your fiancé doing this evening."

"She's writing," I said. Mamiko was at home that
evening writing stories for this blog, Love from
Lemuria. She had found a spark of inspiration and was
busy writing a series of articles on her laptop.

"What is she writing?" he asked. That was a fateful
question. How do I explain this blog to my new business
associates? How do I explain Lemuria? What do I say
about Lemurian healing and the workshop we recently
presented in Tokyo?I do my best to speak the truth whenever I open my mouth, and now this consultant friend of mine was opening the door extremely wide for me to share my true view of life, the universe and everything.For the next two hours, I shared my thoughts and experiences about healing, the unseen forces of light, spirituality, and the wisdom of indigenous cultures (the other consultant is part Native American, so he was able to share similar wisdom from his teachers and ancestors).I explained to these two gentlemen that, for several weeks, I had been working etherically with all the people who participated in our meetings that day—including the two of them. I had been weaving lines of light from heart to heart and working with each person's higher self to ensure that our business meetings would unfold smoothly and successfully for everyone involved.As you can imagine, I am not used to speaking about spiritual principles and practices in my business world. However, I am learning that people all over the world are becoming more open-minded and curious about the non-physical part of being human.I love sharing with people the idea that our thoughts create our realities. We are limitless beings of light, and there is nothing we cannot be, do or have in this lifetime. The choice is ours.