Last night I watched a television program about psychic
children. The producers suggested that "indigo"
children choose their parents before incarnating. Well,
indigo children are not unique. We ALL choose our
families long before we begin our incarnate human
journeys. (We choose our names, too, but that's another

First, let's talk bout the family. Each of us has
chosen the perfect family to propel us along our chosen
path for this lifetime. We have done this for every
lifetime we have ever experienced. We select our family
based on a multitude of factors, all interwoven to
create the optimal environment for our life's journey.Sometimes out families are nothing more that practical vehicles for incarnation, and we have little or nothing in common with our family members. In other lifetimes, we agreed with the higher selves of our parents and other family members to interact on many levels so that we could co-create complex or dramatic experiences we can all experience together.Remember: nothing in your human experience occurs without your invitation. You are never a victim; you always a co-creator by your free-will choice. You made many decisions before you assumed a physical body. You chose your parents, and your parents agreed to bring you into this world of illusion.