Mana wana is a café serving Taiwanese breakfast from 8am .
I have never been to the country but have heard a lot of compliments on the food there. In fact never heard even a single criticism. Rather, people would mention and praise the lovely cuisine far more than anything else when it comes to a topic on a holiday in Taiwan.

I am familiar with various kinds of Asian breakfast but it was an eye opener for me to have such unique combinations of ' carbo all in one '.

Deep fried bread in rice together with salted vegetables was a surprise. Very healthy as it's served with fresh soy milk.  I remember I didn't like it at all at first but later on I started enjoying eating the tofu together with it. It was a sweet version but this time, not sweet. Fried bread is soaked in it becomes tender.  Chilli oil and vinegar enrich the milk . Mmmm, envy Taiwanese for being able to enjoy such wonderful thing early in the morning.