Meet the people saving Canada’s native grasslands Grasslands sequester billions of tonnes of carbon and support hundreds of plant species and over 60 species at risk. They are also one of the world’s most endangered ecosystems Stephanie Wood, The Narwhal, Jul 31, 2020  “You get so much leverage out of nature-based solutions, whereby you sink carbon using nature, you create habitat for at-risk species, you create resilience because you manage floods better, you filter water because of the extensive root systems these plants have — you get a whole broad suite of benefits.”  Full article » #climatecrisis #ClimateStrike #ActOnClimate #415ppm  Climate Reality Idle No More Indigenous Environmental Network Honor the Earth Sunrise Movement Fridays for Future International Sierra Club NRDC People vs. Oil Union of Concerned Scientists The Years Project Indigenous Climate Action David Suzuki Foundation #gofossilfree The Solutions Project Project Drawdown YouthStrike4Climate Green New Deal Friends of the Earth [M]