Some men feel complexed by the size of their penis. And perhaps, they even see it as the reason for failure in their relationships. In this article of Tocabanas, we will talk about jelqing: exercises to naturally increase size.
If you have a partner, you have to talk sincerely with her: does the size of your member really affect her when enjoying sex with you? It is likely not. It is even something that is solved by using covers for the penis. But in case you are really interested in getting an elongation without the need for surgery, you can try following the appropriate advice. And everything consists of the online vibrating butt plug supplier!
There are different types and forms of penis. But you can make it thicker and longer. Obviously, it will not be a too striking increase, but enough for you to feel that you can satisfy your partner.

Butt Plug

What Is A Butt Plug: What is the size of the penis considered normal

Actually, it is not an exact size. Worldwide, years ago studies have been conducted, and these conclude that the “standard” measures of the penis are the following:
5 to 13 cm in flaccid state
From 12 to 18 cm in erection
Regarding the need to perform surgical treatment, experts claim that it is only advisable to do so if the penis is small in an erect state.
Anyway, what is recommended before "going through the operating room", is to try exercises to try to lengthen it.

Is Butt Plug Good? Jelqing, the exercises you can do at home

This is the natural option to extend the penis. Jelqing has no contraindications! But what you should have, is patience, since they are exercises that must be constantly followed, as part of a routine.
One of them is normal stretching.
You must hold the penis a centimeter below the glans, and then stretch slightly forward, with some level of force (but without causing pain). While in that position, stay like this 20 or 30 seconds, and then relax. Then, repeat the same exercise, but with the penis down, up, to the left and to the right. Little by little, the fabrics that are part of your member will be stretched.
The following proposal is rotary stretching.
Hold the penis a centimeter below the glans, using your index and thumb fingers. Then, stretch forward until you feel a type of pressure, and gy it about 15 seconds in one direction, and then 15 more in the other, like circles. Repeat this exercise 5 to 10 times, turning 3 times to each side.
Another exercise consists of an inverted stretch.
Place your two thumbs one centimeter below the glans, and the other fingers under the penis, to support your member there. Then, pull the skin backwards, using the thumbs, but without moving those below. You have to do it until you notice that the skin is stretching (but you don't have to feel any pain). Stay in this position for 20 seconds, and then relax. Repeat it between 5 and 7 times more, resting between 5 and 10 seconds between each repetition.

How To Put In A Butt Plug: How to combine jelqing with Kegel exercises

It is likely that many women sound to Kegel exercises. They are recommended to strengthen the pelvic floor, especially during pregnancy.
In the case of men, the goal is to send more blood to the penis.
The pubococcigal muscle is between the anus and the testicles, and it is the one that, while urinating, counter to pause the urination.
Therefore, the combination of Jelqing exercises with Kegel's, will make the results even better.
Try to make contractions with the pubocococcise muscle. It begins smoothly, and instead of releasing the contraction, sees increasing its intensity little by little. When you see that you have reached the limit, endure about 30 seconds, and then relax. Try to do it a few more times.
It is very important that you work at intensity. To start doing it, contract the muscle for 5 seconds, and the following contraction, tries to be longer. Your mission is to achieve the strongest possible contraction, and be able to endure it for 5 minutes. After relaxing, the key is to repeat this exercise several times.
It is advisable, is that you make 120 contractions, and that you distribute them in 5 series of 24 contractions each, with breaks of about 5 seconds between them.
There is another very effective exercise: breaths and contractions. It is similar to the previous one, but you have to start contracting the muscle little by little, until you notice that you have reached the limit. There, keep your breathing for 20 seconds while the pubococcigen is tense. Your goal is to reach 40 seconds!