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Subject: healing information for ○ko

I apologize for the delay, I am really sorry. Let me know if you receive this email please and if you have a question. thank you.

Hello ○ko, this is the information about the healing you received through me on Friday 30 November 2012 and some answers to your questions:

It was really amazing for me, when I was channeling for you the healing, at first I was seeing a lot of spirits coming to help you out to clear whatever was not needed anymore in your self, emotionally, physically, in your self in the present and from past lives too, getting rid of all patterns in your mind that you will not need anymore and were blocking you out to be able to reach another levels in a very easy way from now on.
Then I was start seeing with my third eye, very clear in the healing room how some beings from another planets in another galaxies were coming to work on you, very special for me to see something like this so clear, they all look different, even some of them between each other, and I was asking who were they?, then I was receiving information from them about you in another lives in the past, like you been like them and I realized you were in those planets before you came to this one, and it is why you are more advance in many ways than people around you and it is the reason you want to connect with aliens, because you are missing those worlds and in three months from now, you are going to channel all your friends who are extraterrestrials and you will do this the rest of your life, channeling healings and information for people in this level, to help out the planet in general.

Very interesting healing for me, because they look so clear and advance and you are part of them and during the healing, at the same time that they were clearing out all the garbage you had in your mind from growing up of course in this planet and as a human being, they were opening your channels for you to be able to start using all the natural gifts you already have since before you were born and I fell so glad and with the grate honor that you and your husband came to me to received all this clearing, opening in many levels and receiving some of the gifts you are both ready to start using in the near future, it is so good that you are together in this lifetime, both really amazing powerful healers to help people out for everything is coming and whatever changes are happening and will keep going on in this planet, all kind of people you are going to help out.

You could work together sometimes, your husband and you, using different techniques with the healing in all levels for people, and you could work separated sometimes too, you will be guided for how to use your own spiritual gifts you already have, and I said to your husband that I hope you could find a healer who can help you both, only to show you how to use your gifts as healers and clear/pure channels that you already are, if you want to study some technique just do not go for years trying to understand or studying to long, just a little bit here and there, just to reconnect with your own higher self and with the healing you received through me, it is going to open up more your self to connect with your own spiritual power and to use all you have, including opening your third eye every time more and more, in the next weeks you asr going to feel more changes , and just let it happen and flow, without trying to control anything, just drink more water and try to rest a little bit more, just been relax and peaceful.

In around three months from now your are going to channel your friends from the other galaxies, very easy flowing by itself.

At the end of the healing your spirit guides, they put something made of light in both of your hands, and this are some presents for you made of energy for you to use them now and in the rest of your life, you are going to be guided how to use them, and do not worry, it is not possible to make any mistakes by using this new gifts for healing and connecting with your aliens friends.

Thank you so much, was a pleasure meeting you, and I hope I will see you again in the future.


