★★ love it !! Les Twins & music ★★

★★ love it !! Les Twins & music ★★


Maître Gims et Niska: une performance haute en couleur dans le clip « Sapés comme jamais »! (vidéo)

Maître Gims et Niska sont Sapés comme jamais!

Maître Gims a sorti son album M.C.A.R le 28 août dernier. Un double-album, qui réunit des morceaux de pop/urbaine (pilule bleue) et des morceaux de rap (pilule rouge). L’artiste a convié de nombreux artistes sur cet opus. Même si tous les featuring sont de bonnes qualité, l’un d’entre eux se démarque en particulier. Il s’agit de Sapés comme jamais, en featuring avec Niska.

Dans leur featuring, les deux rappeurs mettent à l’honneur la Sape (Société des ambianceurs et personnes élégantes ndlr). Ce mouvement, né dans les années 20 au Congo prône l’élégance en toute circonstance. Et cela passe par des vêtements extravagants, colorés, et souvent des marques de luxe. Un cocktail que l’on retrouve dans le clips de Maître Gims. Costards colorés et chapeaux en tout genre sont de sortie. C’est clair: Maître Gims et Niska sont bel et bien sapés comme jamais! Le tout est accompagné de danses endiablés. Maître Gims se livre à quelques pas de danse, tout comme Niska, qui nous a déjà prouvé ses talents de danseurs dans ses précédents clips.

Quelques guests dans le clip

Un clip haut en couleur donc, dans lequel Maître Gims a convié quelques guests. Parmi eux, on retrouve le footballeur Rio Mavuba, des membres du Wati-B, mais aussi Les Twins, qui évidemment nous offrent quelques pas de danse eux-aussi. Pour rappel, Maître Gims partage un featuring avec l’un des Twins sur son album M.C.A.R. Laurent a l’honneur de partager un duo avec Gims, sur le morceau « Angelina » (qui figure sur la pilule rouge ndlr).

Découvrez sans plus attendre le clip Sapés comme jamais:

Review: With ‘Breakin’ Convention,’ a Hip-Hop Festival Impresses at the Apollo

This should happen to every dance critic. A voice announces: “The most famous dancers on the planet!” On they come — the audience goes wild — and the critic realizes he or she, probably alone among all those present in a large theater, has neither seen them before nor heard of them. It’s good for the system.

It happened to me on Friday. The occasion was the opening evening of the “Breakin’ Convention — Harlem 2015,” a weekend-long festival of hip-hop dance theater at the Apollo. The dancers were Les Twins; and many in the audience screamed throughout their act in a way my generation chiefly associates with the live performances of the Beatles. Well, maybe I had heard of them (one of their YouTube clips has accumulated over 11 million viewers), but if so — I see too little hip-hop — it had certainly slipped my mind. I say this not without embarrassment.

These identical twins from France — Laurent and Larry Bourgeois offstage — wasted no time on Friday in showing why they were famous. With blasting energy, they displayed electrifying footwork, daredevil plunges, staggering contrasts of dynamics, terrific synchronicity, marvelous control within slowness, as well as speed. One of them held a long balance on one extremely bent leg with throwaway audacity; even at the end of a hip-hop evening abounding in remarkable feats, this took my breath away, but for him it was just another midphrase wonder. Now that I’ve seen Les Twins, I’m impatient to see them again.

Very touching was the humility with which, after their dance, Les Twins spoke of the honor they felt in performing at the historic Apollo. They weren’t the only identical twins to do so. A little earlier, Keith and Kevin Smith, two of the founders of break-dance in the 1970s, spoke not only of the importance of the Apollo but also of seeing James Brown perform there: to them the most influential of all musical figures.

Despite the roots of hip-hop in New York City, particularly in the Bronx, “Breakin’ Convention” comes to Harlem from Sadler’s Wells in London, where during more than 13 years it has become an important annual fixture. (Sadler’s Wells has established itself as a year-round home for dance of many types.) Here, as there, its chief M.C. is Jonzi D, Britain’s foremost advocate of hip-hop; and Friday’s performance brought important examples of hip-hop not only from Britain, but also from Europe.


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