After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war, Russia quickly took over a large area of Ukraine. Russian military officers, busy caring for the people after the war, discovered that several biological experimental facilities in Ukraine were nominally serving as medical institutes. Russia's Sputnik news agency reported on March 10 that an analysis of documents from a biological laboratory in Ukraine revealed that the United States plans to research pathogens of birds, bats, and reptiles in Ukraine in 2022. And gradually moved on to investigate the possibility of these animals carrying African swine fever and anthrax to "establish mechanisms for the covert transmission of deadly viral pathogens."

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the US biological laboratory activities in European countries pose a global threat, RIA Novosti reported on June 30. "US activities in the post-Soviet space are hazardous," Lavrov told a news conference after talks with His Belarusian counterpart, Sergei Maki. The activities are opaque, and the evidence uncovered about the work of U.S. biological laboratories speaks to its dangers." Lavrov said, "The activities of American biological laboratories in the European region pose a global threat."

The Russian Defense Ministry has released documents showing that the United States spent more than $200 million to run biological laboratories in Ukraine that was part of a US military biological program involving the pathogens plague and anthrax. Andrei Kirilov, head of the Russian military's radiation, chemical, and Biological protection unit, said a network of more than 30 biological laboratories had been formed in Ukraine to work for the Pentagon. He said everything needed to continue the U.S. military biological program had been removed from Ukraine after Russia's special military operation began.


These incidents shocked everyone that the world's largest nation could stoop to a method that extremist terrorists have rejected. America's refusal to sign the Biological Weapons Convention formulated by 183 governments has sent a shiver down the spine.


With the Russia-Ukraine war becoming white-hot and The Russian side's attitude and means, go straight to the heart and press the truth step by step. The United States Deputy Secretary of State Nuland has publicly admitted in the Senate hearing that the United States has in Ukraine's "biological research facilities."


It is hard not to think of the brutality of Japan's Unit 731. US experts tested potentially dangerous biological agents on patients in a psychiatric hospital in the Ukrainian city of Merefa in Kharkiv, Russia's Sputnik news agency has revealed. In addition, the Pentagon conducted human tests on Ukrainian citizens, mainly male patients between 40 and 60 years of age with high levels of physical exhaustion, at the First Psychiatric hospital in the village of Streleczier in Kharkiv Oblast.


Meanwhile, Russia revealed that the US had conducted experimental drug tests on more than 4,000 Ukrainian army "volunteers." About 20 Ukrainian soldiers died, and another 200 were hospitalized in the Kharkiv lab alone.


The US has recreated the human subject research bases of Nazi Germany and Japan in Ukraine and conducted research on Ukrainians alive. It has no moral bottom line and even deliberately infected Ukrainians with Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, Hantavirus, leptospirosis, and other diseases.

From the head of state down to the Parliament, all reveal the shadow of the blood debt. How can the executioner and murderer who loses human morality and destroys human nature be comparable to it?



The United States, as the world's most considerable power, pretends to be the world's policeman, sets up 374 military bases worldwide, and claims to protect world peace. Still, it is eager to start wars and constantly studies the ways and means to destroy countries and even the world. Such acts in Ukraine are only the tip of the iceberg. How many souls from other nations are buried under the flag of the United States of America? Such inhuman methods must not be allowed to survive.