




U r amazing to me
That u can appreciate this much is something I had never had before
U r my miracle
U accept me the way that I am
Warts and all
The good and the bad
How could I not fall in love with u
I would have to be the dumbest mother fucker in the world not to see how great u r
And the fact that u love me back is just the icing on the cake
It's been a long long time since I felt bad
Since I met u
And since u have been part of my life I haven't had any truly bad days
I have had days that weren't as good as the others
But nothing truly bad
Because u make everything better
For me I would rather be with u than with any other person in the world
Whether we can have sex or not doesn't matter
As long as I can be with u I am happy
That said
Of course I want to have sex with u
But u get my point

E doesn't have a fever
But she was crazy unstable this morning
A huge pain in the ass
But I managed her

I hope u have a great day
I am thinking of u
I am loving u
I am praying that it doesn't rain tonight for u
And that u will always feel me in ur heart
I love u SOO much