"Undying Will: A Family?s Story of Survival in War Torn Europe

The Berman family is among the handful of Jews who, through courage, friendship, and luck, survived the systematic, brutal Nazi extermination of the shtetl in Kaluszyn, Poland during World War II. This is their harrowing story, told in the original words of Joseph and Mendel Berman, and the novelistic writing of their nephew, Harvy Berman.More than 95 percent of Poland 8217 s Jews were killed during the war. Weaving in the history of Poland as it was experienced by the Bermans in the 1930s and 1940s, Undying Will is an extraordinary tale of willpower and strength. Josef Stalin infamously said that One death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic. 8221 Undying Will shows the tragedy 8212 and the human triumph 8212 behind the statistics of the Holocaust. As anti-Semitism and neo-Nazism rise again across the West, this powerful, personal recounting of what happened is a reminder of how real the horror of the Holocaust was, how it was resisted, and why it must always be remembered.