[Little Music Box]
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I`m here!

Konbanwa! :)

Didn`t write here long time. But playing in Pigg, Pigg Life and Pigg Island actively. :))
Summer was not very good. In Estonia was rains, rains... cloudy every day, cold wind. Sunny days was may be... 5 days only.
Over the summer! :о
And summer is coming to an end..

But in those rainy days I warmed by my love. Nikita, I love you so much! ラブラブ ニコニコ
In September we want to go to live in Tallinn together.
I want to work there, my love will study in Tallinn University of Technology.
I hope that
everything will turn out! :)

Good luck to everyone! チョキ
Japan, I ドキドキ you!

お誕生日おめでとう, 孝介さん!

Dear Kousuke-san, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! クラッカー ケーキ
Amazing bassit of DEATHGAZE has a birthday! I wish him well being in his life,
be forever positive and attractive! Creative success to you, funny and cu-u-ute
Kousuke-san! :3
With love from Mary...

お誕生日おめでとう, 孝介さん!

[Little Music Box]

お誕生日おめでとう, 直樹さん!

Oh, who celebrate a birthday today? ケーキ
May be our cool and cute drummer-san? Yea, Naoki-san!
Happy Birthday! クラッカー ビール
I wish you to be healthy.. more sunny days and smiling moments in your life!
Of course
I wish creative impulse to you! And thank you.. thank you for amazing drums parts,
thank you for DEATHGAZE!
Good luck!


[Little Music Box]

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