ローガン・スタントン オフィシャルブログ powered by Ameba
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New Blog!

Hey guys!
Sorry it's been so long! It's been a crazy month. Between moving, modeling, and UFC I haven't had much down time. And if you've seen the fight schedule through the end of the year, it looks like this month is going to be just as busy! I've also been working on the new
video game a lot :) it seems really cool (not JUST because I'm in it) so be sure it grab it when it comes out next year! I'm on my way to the gym now. Gotta get in shape for the fight tomorrow ;) I'll let you know what my picks for this weekend are tomorrow!


ローガン・スタントン オフィシャルブログ powered by Ameba

my little man sleeping in the back..

ローガン・スタントン オフィシャルブログ powered by Ameba


Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't posted many blogs lately. It's been a rough week! I've been busy shooting and I'm trying to fight this cold I've has since Portland. Hopeflly I can get rid of it before next week! I leave Monday for the fight night in Oklahoma City and straight to Dallas for UFC 103 from there! Busy busy! Just how I like it!


I'm on my way to San Diego to hang out with my sister and nephews right now. It's hard to find time to see them with my busy schedule, so I take advantage of every chance I get. Even if it's just for the day.


I better wrap this up, because texting and driving is probably not the best idea..


I hope you guys have a great weekend and I'll see you next week at the fights!

ローガン・スタントン オフィシャルブログ powered by Ameba

Xo, Lo

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