
2 days in a row!

I am writing this blog 2 days in a row!

This is amazing !!

I did not expect I would write an article today....

I decided to write this blong because Johjima homered yesterday again and

Matsui hit a home run today too... (no relation with my blog but)

I learned

Nothing is impossible!!!

I learned this from them...

I really respect them (of course include Ichiro, Taguchi, and Iguchi)


that's it

Lets get started!

This is the first article for my blog!

I am not a guy who can keep a dialy everyday....

but recently my enlish skills are getting worse......

so i decided to write something in Egnlish to keep and improve my English.

This is a main reason to start this blog.

Another reason i started this blog is to get to know someone who are learning Egnlish

and (want to) do busines in English...

Learning English is likely to be a lonely task in Japan,,,

but i want to improve my English as enjoyable as possible.

so, if you are learning English alone, let me know and leave your message please!!

Thats all for today.



If you want to master english, you have to do out put!!

Use English everyday!!

that's it!


Kenji Johjima hit the second home run today!


You gave me a gut!