It has been a while! I received my YesAsia package sooner as expected! Yay! (o^-')b

And I know I need to save money and all, but I ordered more CD's and even a DVD~! ラブラブ

But now I need to spend money on something I hate! Which is ,,,, a car ...
it's not that I hate cars ... I just hate to drive ガーン

BTW I never told you guys that I found a job~! Whoohoo even a job that I studied for, so I'm happy!! ニコニコ

but that's also the reason why I need my car むっ
Ewe bummer ... YesAsia changed the ship out date now I have to wait 3 more weeks until my CD´s finally arrive (ノ_-。) !

2010 was an Ok year not great but not bad either ^^

~Good Memories~

  • Seeing GACKT live ... I still can't believe I actually saw him and if it wasn't for Tsuki I would've totally forget about this precious memory.
  • Going to the Anli Pollicino gig is probably one of the best memories of this year. I went to many concerts in my life but this one was definitely my favourite concert so far!
  • I went to a arena open air concert for the very first time! Muse @ Goffert Park Nijmegen.
  • Making new friends ~!!
  • Many Japanese concerts this year and also many English rock concerts ~!! There wasn't one month without a gig.
  • Going to the cinema with Eefje so many times xD Almost every month we went to see a movie, and in some months we even went every week!!
  • The contact between me and Tsuki restored. We have each others MSN for years but we didn't talk much and now we both are best friends and we even see each other in real life! Can't imagine how I survived all those years without him (°д°;)

~Less pleasant Memories~
  • So many horrible things happened to my friends... wish I had the ability to make everything better
  • Losing my job ... I still miss them so *%#&$ much
  • Kagrra, Disbanding ・°・(ノД`)・°・

But even tho the less pleasant memories I think this year was OK =) I hope 2011 will be a good year for all of us ~!!

I wish you all a wonderful 2011 ~!!