


It's a simple system of intimidation and threats to get the Japanese to go to war.


 Shoriki was deeply involved in this, and in the massacre of Koreans in Tokyo, the bodies were almost all naked, the men were decapitated, the pregnant women had their stomachs slit, and bamboo spears were thrust into Hers itself..


French literature scholars who saw this at the time were shocked, saying, "Are there really Japanese people who would do something like this?" 


All of this was done by Shoriki under the orders of the US, and the Soviet Union was also a pawn of the same organization, and the Japan Communist League was freely leaking information to Japan. 


The main cause of this was the feeling of intimidation and fear caused by martial law. The exact same precedent was the Boshin War by the new Meiji army, which was even more horrifying and involved a thorough massacre of Japanese people.


 The Aizu men massacred even children, killed the elderly, raped women, and ordered the bodies to be left out in the open until the bones disappeared. The killing of the children even was also from a group of traitorous Japanese people, plus Kyushu and Yamaguchi. 


This is the current Islam, isn't it? 


The current trend of the LDP is a history of being content with this trend. Even now, the Japanese are trembling, aren't they? 


Will they be able to survive if they only trust their own lives and believe the TV and reports? I can't imagine that happening. 


The reports are the same for the World War I and the Russo-Japanese War, and it is a history of the Japanese trembling in fear at the evil deeds of the Meiji era.


    Hideyoshi and Ieyasu would not be surprised if they saw it. 


The evil Christians made some Japanese people into complete spies, even had them killed, and called it the New Meiji Japan, and Ito... it's troublesome, but non-Japanese people are being honored in England. 


This is a mediocre contribution, but the murder of Japanese people and the loss of property are exactly the same as the current situation, but they don't realize it. 



Or rather, is the death of others a form of not being one's own?


 In the Meiji era, the severance of Japan was a strong trauma. 


Martial law first created that fear. 


The massacred bodies were left in Tokyo, just like in the Boshin War, and the people of Tokyo trembled with fear. 


Part of the betrayal, this time by Shoriki and his subordinates, the Metropolitan Police Department and Tokyo soldiers, the Tokyo Vigilante Corps, right-wing yak*, etc., training? 


After this, with a nominal apology, Shoriki jumped into the real world of reporting, which was named after lies. 


That is how TV, publishing, newspapers, etc. have succeeded in creating a situation where people cannot survive without them.


 Well, in reality, the upper echelons, the law, are also extremely radical, and are a more radical group than the Bolsheviks. 


Tsuguaki is a Canadian, but domestic politics are a mess. 


The amount of gold stolen from Switzerland is also abnormal, causing it to fall to about one third of the value of the US dollar. 


This has caused the Canadian people's assets to rapidly flow out. This group of scoundrels is always aiming for war. 


It is a form of self-preservation, betraying the eternal orders of those above to kill. The shame that the Tak*mi clan, which has continued for generations, will have for generations to come is a life of not giving up, even if it means killing friends and neighbors. 



From the Meiji era to the LDP, evil deeds have never ended, and continue to begin, but there is at least no religiosity or shame in them, and they cannot think of any moral flaws, which is a stupidity that continues to this day among the masses.