The California bar exam may include essay questions related to trust law. Here are some potential topics on trust for the California bar exam:

  1. Formation of Trusts: Discuss the requirements and procedures for creating a valid trust in California, including the elements of a trust instrument, settlor's intent, and trustee acceptance.

  2. Types of Trusts: Explain the distinctions between various types of trusts, such as revocable trusts, irrevocable trusts, charitable trusts, and spendthrift trusts.

  3. Trust Administration: Describe the duties and responsibilities of trustees, including investment duties, accounting, and distribution of trust assets.

  4. Trust Termination and Modification: Discuss the circumstances under which a trust can be terminated or modified, and the role of beneficiaries and the court in such proceedings.

  5. Trustee's Powers and Liabilities: Explain the powers and liabilities of trustees, including delegation of duties, duty of loyalty, and duty to diversify investments.

  6. Trustee Removal and Appointment: Discuss the grounds for removing a trustee and the process for appointing a successor trustee in California.

  7. Trustee Compensation: Explain the rules governing trustee compensation, including statutory and court-ordered compensation.

  8. Charitable Trusts: Explore the unique aspects of charitable trusts, including the Attorney General's oversight and the doctrine of cy pres.

  9. Trustee Accounting and Reporting: Describe the requirements for trustee accounting and reporting to beneficiaries, including annual accounts and statements.

  10. Trust Litigation: Analyze common trust-related disputes, such as breach of trust claims, contests of trust validity, and fiduciary duty lawsuits.

Remember to consult the most recent California bar exam materials and study guides for any updates or specific instructions related to trust law topics that may be tested on the exam.