No Mask Life


Hi, This is me from Australia.

I became covid-19.

It is very hard because I can't go out. I want to study English.

However, I can't. This is very frustrated things for me.

There are a lot of place to go and I want to get more experience.


Too much my thinking, sorry.

Then, in Japan, people are wearing mask. Of course, covid-19 is dengerous.

Australian people are not wear mask.

Some of people are wearing mask, but there are not enough to protect covid-19.


I was surprised that, because Japanese can't do like that.

I felt that there are many kind people.

When I went to hamburger shop, the worker was so friendly. They talked a lot to me.

I don't know about what is famous one in the shop, so I asked a lot. 

Australian people are very kind like Japanese.

I think they have another thinking with Japanese, but it is very comfortable.


Australia is suitable place to Japanese.

I recomend you to visit Australia.