



Samsung SDI is Korea's largest manufacturer of lithium batteries

The company's main business in the past, including CRT, PDP, clean energy, and later through a series of ownership changes, show business is gradually weakening, lithium batteries become the main business, currently mainly used in the field of IT battery, EV electric car, ESS storage batteries and PV Battery is the future direction of the company's new business.

Laptop Battery

IT Lithium Battery: Polymer direction

IT batteries are mainly three types of round cells (45%), a square battery (37%), polymer battery (18%), of which the polymer and the square of the momentum is better. Polymer battery the most expensive, but the most frivolous and 4% of the energy storage advantages. Apple's current line of products are used in lithium polymer battery, the future of smart phones, tablet PCs and Ul a? Thin trend ook is an important driving force for the growth of polymer battery, in addition, the polymer strong customization, packaging, capacity and shape can be customized according to customer needs, their suppliers also includes ATL, the power of God, LG CHEM and SONY.
E5500 battery

EV electric vehicle battery: infancy

The company recently demonstrated in Frankfurt and BMW i3 models, currently only 600 million RMB revenue is expected to reach 13 years 4 to 5 million, while the overall market to 215 years to reach 100 million scale. i3 battery 1KW price in eight dollars, pure electric-vehicle battery will be half the price, the amount is expected to drop half postpartum, the industry in the long term to achieve an operating margin of 1%.


ESS energy storage battery: explosive

ESS is mainly used for solar and wind power, current home faster demand growth in Japan, SDI and Japan related companies have signed a contract for about three years, 600 million RMB. 1KW is greater than the current price of $ 8, 1KW about 4 to 5 household's electricity consumption. In addition, Japan is planning to launch domestic subsidy program, if the family can pay 1KW 3 dollars, while the market is expected to expand 3 to 4 times the expected 12-year ESS will grow very fast.
Envy 17 battery

PV solar energy: in development stage

SDI initial crystalline silicon cells to do the main research and development, but the future will focus on thin-film batteries, such as the new generation of copper indium gallium selenide (CIJS) thin film batteries, for 12 to 13 years of reserve service.

Studio 1537 battery

Investment Implications

We focus on IT batteries, lithium polymer batteries will be the best areas for future direction of development momentum, smart phones, tablets and Ul a? Ook will be an important driving force for the future. Batteries mainstream market will continue to be dominated by Japanese and Korean manufacturers, but for the assembly, the mainland manufacturers have a chance, for example, lithium-polymer battery assembly is done by the end of the current customer specified manufacturers, large customers have a good relationship process cost advantage and excellent power management module manufacturing capacity of firms expected to be growth opportunities, but if there is enough in this industry barriers, to ensure the increase in volume will not be competing in the emergence of a fall in price squeeze risk issues to consider.
ASUS K53E battery