Traveling | 国内留学倶楽部ブログ


Hi everyone! Today I would like to talk about living in a foreign country. I've met countless people who talk about countries or make judgments about the people living in a country without any experience of traveling to that country.

I find it to be ridiculous and yet people do it over and over again! I guess you can say it is one of my "pet peeves". I can never understand why people feel the need to make judgements about other places based on movies or the media without traveling to the country. I urge everyone to travel around the world, what you hear may not necessarily be true! Everyone has different experiences and opinions. But I would rather the person formulate their opinion based on experiences rather than the "image" they may have gotten through the media. This is the reason why I would like to visit Africa one day; not only South Africa but different parts of Africa. I hear a lot of things about Africa through the media and movies but I'm almost certain there is an Africa we have yet to see! So I guess the message if my blog is to see what the world has to offer!

Don't be afraid to travel, explore and get to know people in another country. Who knows, you may be pleasantly surprised!