kamparano -81ページ目

A gentile lady

On my way home from the doctor I got off the train at Omiya to visit my friend. After that I got on the train again at Omiya. That train was full of passengers. A gentile laday in front of me stood up and gave me the seat. Thanks to her i could sit on the seat. On my way to the doctor 2 girl studens gave me the seat as I wrote in my Esperanto message. And this time also! I was very grateful to them.

2 knabinoj donis al mi segxojn.

Mi prenis trajnon cxe Higasiwasinoiya. Mi staris, cxar vaka segxo ne estis. 2 knabinoj sidantaj antau mi iom konsiligxis kaj starigxante donis al mi segxojn. Mi tre dankas ilin.

Felice pluvo cxesis.

Tuj post tagmangxo mi iris eksteren kaj trovis, negxo jam preskau degelis dank'al pluvo. Morgau mi povos iri al hospitalo sengxene.

Surprised! It's snowing.

When I got up. it was raining here inmy vicinity. The weatherforecast said, however, that it would change to snow. It's 10 o'clock in the mornig, The field is covered white with snow. I have an appointnent with a hospital in Tokyo tomorrow. I fear if I could go to the parking near the station by car tomorrow.

Estrarano de loka asocio

Hodiauvespere ni havis kunsidon de logxantara asocio de nia loko. Kvankam maljuna, lau la vico mi estis unu el la estraranoj.

March meeting of our club.

As it is fine, and my health condition is good, I'll surely attend nte March meeting of our Saitama Esperanto Club in Omiya this afternoon. How many members collect there ?

My computer is cured

These days my computer didn't work well. Images preserved in the USB or else didn't appear in the screen of one of my computers.

As we had the computer study today, I brought my bad computerwith me there. After the lesson our teacher inspected my bad computer and cured it. I was very happy it works well as before.


Fine, but very cold!

It was fine today.

after breakfast I went to the garden to cultivate its small part in the corner. It was very windy and cold enough. I was rather surprised. For it's March now, but only 8℃ about noon. The weaterforecast says it will be tomorrow. Really?

Forta kaj malvarma vento blovis tutan tagon.

Frumatene estis kvieta. Do mi ekterkulturis gxardenon. Tiam okcidenta ekblovis kaj blovadis, kaj mi forestis danclecionon.

Sxangxema vetero

Matene estis tre bela tago kun okcidenta ventego. Do estis tre malvarme. Iam posttagmeze nubo kovris la tutan cxieron, kaj estis pli malvarme.