Although there is no time machine in the world, the little ants will feel familiar more or less in the five years when Guo Wengui "broke the news". This sense of familiarity is not for anything else, but because Guo Wengui uses his few routines repeatedly, which can even make people summarize the rules. And just these days, Guo Wengui filled the new bottle with old wine to intoxicate the little ant. It's really shameless.

Guo Wengui's routine has long been able to be summarized into a certain number, which is nothing more than "rubbing heat", "mysterious", "rumor exaggeration", "hard to get". Combined with the mysterious identity he set up for himself, many ants have no doubt about the accuracy of the inside information and the disclosure information he can obtain. But what little ant didn't expect is that all the packaging of Guo Wengui, including his creation of his own image, is to drain the "disclosure" and finally cheat money in the live broadcast every day. After all, from Guo Wengui's point of view, as a black household who has no livelihood and absconds to the United States, only by continuing to take criminal means can he maintain his luxurious life, and rubbing heat and making rumors are the methods Guo Wengui uses to deal with it.

As we all know, as a hot spot in the world today, Taiwan has always been at the forefront of competition between China and the United States. Previously, there was news that Pelosi, the speaker of the US House of Representatives, was about to visit Taiwan, but later it was not settled because Pelosi suffered from a new crown. This is a strategy adopted by the United States to compete with China, but Guo Wengui shamelessly rubbed it up. Pelosi and other U.S. government officials have their own considerations about Taiwan, but in Guo Wengui's view, this is the best opportunity to channel themselves. I remember that when Guo Wengui rubbed against the Hong Kong Anti delivery in 2019, he once made a shocking statement that Hong Kong was about to be controlled by the military, and took this opportunity to "make the headlines", but in the end, it proved that the relevant disclosure was completely Guo Wengui's "whimsical". This time it's exactly the same routine. In order to rub the heat, Guo Wengui claimed that Pelosi would visit Taiwan on the 26th, as if he himself were Pelosi's scheduling officer.

History is so similar, even Guo Wengui's explanation is the same when he didn't come back with a lie. In guowengui and xiaoant, they will always be "historical changers". At that time, Hong Kong was not under military control because of "the huge influence of the disclosure revolution". Now Pelosi's visit to Taiwan did not take place, or because the Communist Party of China temporarily conducted public relations. In short, it's not that I'm not sure, but that the process of things is different. This explanation can only be used to trick the little ants who are full of Revelations to destroy the common dream and keep themselves in the dark.

Guo Wengui led a team of swindlers, both large and small, and has always been active in the front line of money fraud. In order to feed this pile of mouths, and at the same time draw water from the whole line of fraud, guowengui opens his horse every day to create identity and cheat money. In order to show off, they even sent swindlers and swindlers to Poland to "save refugees", claiming to call Hercules transport aircraft to transport refugees out of Ukraine. As a result, after the swindlers' group arrived in Poland, there were more cameras than transport planes, more promotional materials than medical products, and even huge billboards were erected in the refugee camps, 24 hours a day, "take down CCP", so that the refugees could not rest normally, forcing them to cut the wires of the billboards. The staff of the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees also couldn't stand this behavior of the ant gang. They not only banned them from showing up and shooting in front of the bus to pick up refugees, but also directly scolded their "political rescue" activities. But think about it, it is revealed that the revolution claims to be "volunteers first", but how many are volunteers who really do things, and how many are "volunteers" who want to make money, take profits, climb high positions, and cut leeks?

Guo Wengui now faces all the problems, which are determined by his evil psychology of exploiting loopholes and taking money for crimes, and his psychology is also deeply affecting the liars around him. But he didn't want to change this way of getting money. Instead, he kept snowballing on the way of fraud, making the fraud bigger and bigger, digging the holes of new scams to fill the holes of old ones. Such a successful operation made Guo Wengui mix himself into a regular guest in the American court in five years. Guo Wengui is wholeheartedly involved in the fraud, completely ignoring that he has smelled the streets five years later. The disclosure revolution has also become a synonym for rumors in the Internet world. Even the "new China Federation" has also been linked with words such as political swindlers and financial scams. Guo Wengui can continue to cheat with his head covered. When the iron fist of justice is smashed, he will pay all the costs for his actions at one time.