ハピネスポーズ原宿!国際協力の日☆クルミンアロマ1~3YouTube!宜しくるみんアロマ! | くるみんアロマのブログ



国際協力の日Day of the international collaboration!
About a purpose of the international collaboration
When is it that Japan began international collaboration?
Because the ODA (ODA) of Japan participated in Colombo plan on October 6, 1954, it began. It is the international organization for the developing country which this Colombo plan is cooperation mechanism to support the economy of Asia and the countries of the Pacific region proposed in 1950 and social development, and it is the earliest, and was organized after World War II. Japan starts technical cooperation such as the acceptance of the member of training and the dispatch of the expert in 1955 as a member of the official member nation, too.
The Japanese Government sets October 6 when I selected participation as for Colombo plan with "a day of the international collaboration", and various events to be related to the international collaboration including "the global festival" back and forth are performed every year.1.